5 Natural Tips To Eliminate Dandruff

Understanding why flaking occurs and the factors that accelerate it helps us not to interfere with the delicate balance between skin, oil and hair.
Remove dandruff naturally

What is dandruff and why does it occur?

The skin is in continuous renewal. The cells of the stratum basalis, the keratinocytes, are the only cells that divide and differentiate. The cells that form in this layer migrate to the surface, undergoing a specific maturation process (they lose the nucleus, become keratinized and become flat) until they form the impermeable protective layer called the stratum corneum.

These cells are shed in a continuous peeling. This change is microscopic and goes unnoticed; However, there are some occasions in which the release of corneocytes is massive and visible, as in the case of people who suffer from the problem of dandruff.

The mechanism of appearance of dandruff is a consequence of an increase in the rate of desquamation, accompanied by an abnormal foundation, which generates large aggregates of horny cells on the scalp.

Dandruff manifests itself most acutely in winter (between October and December), but decreases in the summer months.

Its appearance can also coincide with a period of high hormonal activity, which stimulates the sebaceous glands.

The states of stress or anxiety as well as following a diet rich in saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, can compound the problem.

What is the relationship between dandruff and oily hair?

The skin of the hair has an abundance of large hair follicles, drained by the sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum, made up of a mixture of fats, cholesterol and proteins, which lubricates the hair and prevents it from drying out.

The outermost part of the skin is surrounded by an acid mantle, rich in fat and with a microbial population that in this hairy area is formed by aerobic bacteria ( Staphylococcus epidermidis ), anaerobic corynebacteria ( Propionibacterium acnes ) and two species of yeasts ( Pityrosporum ovale , currently known as Malassezia furfur , and Pityrosporum orbiculare ).

However, it has been observed that people suffering from dandruff have an increased population of Malassezia furfur, reaching up to 75% of the total microbiota of the scalp.

The presence of excess fat favors the multiplication and development of this micro-organism, because it can degrade the triglycerides that constitute sebum.

On the other hand, removing oil frequently with soaps can cause more flaking of the skin, so the chosen remedy must take this into account and protect it.

Can dandruff hide other problems?

Although it may seem easy to make a simple diagnosis of dandruff (pityriasis sicca), it is good to reach a differential diagnosis, since other dermatological problems also cause dry peeling, such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or different pityriasis with added infections.

What can be done to prevent dandruff?

If we finally conclude that it is dandruff, that is, pityriasis sicca, I propose some skin care that can also be used in other dermatitis. Therefore, we can think about alleviating the problem while taking care of the skin in general.

  • Take care of the diet, without animal fats, without heated vegetable fats, without sugars or refined flours.
  • Eliminate stressful situations or adjust them to the ability to respond to stress.
  • Perform a physical exercise that causes sweating, to regulate the work of the sweat glands.
  • Try to rest or sleep well.

Natural treatments for dandruff

Many of the cosmetic treatments sold on the market contain antifungal, cytostatic, antiseborrheic, keratolytic and antipruritic products. Although they can momentarily alleviate the symptoms, it is necessary to assess whether they are not counterproductive.

Following the growing market trend to design less aggressive and more natural cosmetics, plant extracts are being incorporated into anti-dandruff formulations that provide new antiseptic and healing properties.

As for home remedies, we can highlight the role of products such as:

  • The white vinegar creates the scalp an environment not suitable for the growth of yeasts and fungi which cause dandruff.
  • The aloe vera also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, modulates the sebaceous secretions and has antihistaminic action. The juice of a cut aloe vera leaf can be applied directly to the scalp.
  • At the local level, it is advisable to use olive oil on the head or on the affected skin before using soaps or shampoo.
  • Rinse the head with a decoction of chamomile or oat bran.

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