6 Essential Nutrients For Your Memory

A neglected diet may not provide essential nutrients in brain processes. We explain what they are and how to obtain them through food.
brain nuts

The brain is the most complex organ and, therefore, it is surely the most vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies.

The shortage of certain vitamins and minerals can promote a degeneration that over the years can be serious. In the short term, you may have memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, tiredness, or discouragement.

But don’t worry, none of this is inevitable. A series of scientific studies indicate the nutrients that you must ensure to keep your brain in good condition for many years.

Vitamins and minerals for memory and concentration

Many molecules participate in the functioning of the brain. All essential nutrients are necessary for their synthesis, but 6 stand out for their importance and their obtaining is not assured if the diet is neglected.

1. Vitamin C: prevents oxidation

The vitamin C not only strengthens the immune system, but also prevents cognitive decline.

Dr. Henrique von Gersdorff, co-author of a study conducted at the Oregon Health Sciences University (United States), assures that some neural receptors stop working when vitamin C is scarce.

The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) prevent the receptors of the neurons that allow its communication to degrade prematurely.

It is also required to synthesize the neurotransmitter dopamine, which controls the flow of information from different areas of the brain. Disorders that affect dopamine in the frontal lobes of the brain can cause impaired memory, attention, and the ability to solve problems.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is between 60 and 100 mg. You can satisfy it with a kiwi or an orange a day. Other foods rich in vitamin C are raw red peppers, berries, or cabbages.

2. Vitamin B1: protects neurons

If you get enough thiamine (vitamin B1) you are increasing the protection on your brain. In fact, a study from the University of Oxford shows that taking thiamine supplements can improve brain function in Alzheimer’s patients.

One of the ways that vitamin B1 protects the brain is by reducing the levels of homocysteine – a metabolic product – in the blood plasma.

The recommended dose is between 1,100 and 1,300 mcg daily. Plant foods rich in thiamine include brewer’s yeast, peanuts and other tree nuts, chickpeas, and lentils.

It is important to mention that alcohol interferes with the absorption of this nutrient. The Korsakoff syndrome, a disorder of memory and learning caused by severe vitamin B1 deficiency is common in alcoholics.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids: improve connections

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are essential for the good condition of neuronal membranes and the connections between brain cells.

Several studies have linked low omega-3 intake to an increased risk of age-related cognitive decline.

The greatest benefits are associated with EPA and DHA acids. Both are found in abundance in fish, but the body can obtain them from the transformation in the liver and in the brain itself of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in plant foods such as flax and chia seeds or walnuts.

The recommended intake is about 1.5 g of ALA per day, found in 5 walnuts or in a teaspoon of flax oil.

4. Calcium: messages reach neurons

Bones and teeth are not the only ones that need calcium. It is also essential for the health of the brain, where it participates in the transmission of signals between neurons. Therefore, low calcium intake can decrease brain function.

But at the same time, the accumulation of calcium within neurons causes their degeneration and death. For this not to occur, it is necessary to have adequate levels of certain “transporter proteins” that remove calcium from cells, according to a study by Temple University in Philadelphia.

An excess of free radicals can damage these enzymes, so it is desirable that we have sufficient levels of calcium and at the same time antioxidant agents – such as vitamin C – that control free radicals.

The need for calcium is estimated at about 900-1,000 mg daily, which can be obtained with the daily consumption of plant foods rich in calcium, such as tofu (345 mg in 100 g), cabbages (95 mg in 200 g), the nuts and seeds, especially almond (80 mg in 30 g) and sesame (270 mg in 30 g) – and beans.

5. Zinc: fix the memories

According to research conducted at the Duke University Medical Center in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), increasing zinc intake can improve memory and even control the appearance of epileptic seizures in people affected by this sickness.

The effect of zinc is due to the fact that it plays a crucial role in the regulation of communication between neurons since it probably participates in the fixation of memories.

The main plant food sources of zinc are shiitake mushrooms (7.66 mg in 100 g), pumpkin seeds (2.21 mg in 30g), peas (1.24 mg / 100g) or soybean sprouts (1 , 04 mg / 100 g). The goal is to reach 15 mg daily.

6. Magnesium: increase synapses

A study by MIT scientists found that magnesium supplementation can reverse brain aging and improve long-term memory.

According to researcher Inna Slutsky, magnesium increases the number of synaptic transmissions. Magnesium has also been shown to relieve depression and anxiety.

The daily needs of magnesium are 310 to 420 mg. You will find it in abundance in almonds (270 mg in 100g), cashews (292 mg) and spinach (79 mg).


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