8 Solutions To Cure Winter Infections Without Drugs

3. Poultices of flaxseed

Herbalist remedies

The Manantial de la Salud herbalist says that in winter there are a lot more consultations to find remedies that help prevent or alleviate respiratory infections. Older people mainly come who feel more vulnerable at this time, but also young mothers who seek alternatives to drugs for their children when they have a cough, sore throat or the flu.

There are several useful remedies in these cases, such as herbal formulas, syrups, capsules or juices. First of all, it is about trying to strengthen the immune system to prevent infection.

Talking about plants that strengthen the immune system can be somewhat imprecise, since it is a very complex system that requires a balance between different organs. In fact, there is no scientific consensus on the efficacy of plants as immunity enhancers. According to some authors, certain plants, such as echinacea or licorice, could stimulate macrophages and leukocytes and, therefore, increase nonspecific defenses. Others, however, doubt its efficacy and even warn of the inconvenience of continued use.

To avoid a respiratory infection:

  • Do not expose yourself to risk factors
  • Follow a diet rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Exercise

The herbalist also offers plant remedies with bactericidal, antiviral and antiseptic effects.

Herbal tea to decongest

This herbal tea combines plants that help fight infection, soften the airways to prevent irritation and eliminate mucus.

The mixture combines, in equal parts, elderflower, lungwort leaves, marshmallow root and Iceland moss (the last two mucolytics).

  • One tablespoon of the mixture is boiled per glass of water for 2-3 minutes
  • It is filtered and allowed to settle for ten more.
  • You can take three cups a day, better on an empty stomach, with some sweetener.

Advisor: JM Teixé, Herbalist at Manantial de Salud

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