18 Tips For Reusing Tea Bags And Herbal Teas

Many times we inertialy throw away things that can still be of use to us. We can still get a good performance from the used tea boslitas. Find out what you can use them for.
Reuse tea bags

In the cold season we like to make hot tea. What many do not know is that even after they have used the tea bag, it still contains many useful active ingredients. Among others, the antioxidant tannins that determine its bitter taste and that can be used to heal wounds and many other applications.

18 tricks not to throw away used tea bags

1. Fertilize your plants

Tea contains many nutrients that help plants grow, for example nitrogen, which is released when tea breaks down. Bury the contents of a few tea bags in the pot or plant bed. You can also leave the sachets in the shower filled with water overnight.

2. Fight against skin blemishes

Many expensive cosmetic products to fight pimples and acne contain polyphenols that are also found in freshly brewed tea. You can rub your face and other affected areas with the tea bag still damp. Do not rinse or dry your skin.

3. An aid against oily skin

Do you usually have oily skin? The ingredients in green tea inhibit the enzymes responsible for the production of oil in the skin. Regular treatment with a damp tea bag can counteract the problem.

4. Wounds heal faster

Sometimes in wounds purulent infections can develop. The antibacterial properties of the tannin contained in tea accelerate the healing of inflammation and relieve pain. Green tea, black tea and chamomile infusion are especially suitable for this.

5. Soothe sunburn

Whether in summer or winter in the snow, you can always neglect yourself and give yourself a sunburn. The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate, found in green tea, soothes burned skin. To benefit from this, simply place a cooled tea bag on the sensitive area from time to time. A good idea is to freeze used tea bags and place them on your skin shortly after you remove them from the freezer.

6. Goodbye to dark circles!

Everyone knows dark circles under the eyes after too short a night. Against this black tea is a little miracle cure. The tannin it contains softens inflammation and revitalizes the skin. Let the tea bag cool in the fridge or freezer for a while and then place it over your closed eyes for about twenty minutes.

7. Take a tea bath

Tea bags are great as a natural additive to bath water. Just drop one or more tea bags in the water while the tub fills. At the same time you can take a green tea, to take care of your skin from the outside and from the inside at the same time.

8. Get a facial peel

With the content of a used green tea bag you can easily create a peel totally free of artificial ingredients and microplastics. To do this, mix the contents of the sachet with about a tablespoon of liquid honey and rub the mixture over the face avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave on for a while and rinse again. The peeling gently cleanses the skin and provides it with good nutrients.

9. Insect bites

Mosquito and other insect bites are incredibly annoying in all seasons of the year. Green tea and herbal teas can help, as their active ingredients soothe irritation and counteract swelling.

10. Put an end to annoying canker sores in the mouth

Canker sores in the mouth are annoying and painful. Black or green tea can help. Both contain tannins that inhibit inflammation. Simply hold the still hot tea bag over the canker sores or put it completely in your mouth and let it sit for a few minutes.

11. Eliminate unpleasant odors from your hands

When you cut onions and some other ingredients it can get an annoying smell on your hands. To get rid of it, wash your hands, dry them and rub them with the dry content of a tea bag.

12. Relieves toothache

For short-term toothache relief, you can keep a warm chamomile tea bag on the aching tooth. Another option is to rinse your mouth with chamomile or sage tea.

13. Remove fingerprints from glass

You can easily remove fingerprints from window panes or mirrors with used tea bags. To do this, remove the imprint with a still-damp tea bag and dry it with a lint-free cloth.

14. Polish wooden furniture

To make your lacquered wood furniture shine again, rub it with slightly moistened black tea bags. Then polish with a dry cloth and you’re done.

15. Clean your leather sofa

The leather sofa can also be cleaned with tea bags. The bags must be damp. It is as easy as rubbing the sofa with them and drying it with a cloth.

16. Eliminate bad odors from the refrigerator

Many smells are mixed in the fridge with a rather unpleasant result. To get rid of them, put some dried tea bags in the fridge for a few days. They will absorb bad odors and moisture, which will help food to stay in good condition for longer

17. Say goodbye to the smell of feet

Of course, you can also use the same principle to eliminate other unpleasant odors, such as the smell of sweat from your shoes. Put a dry tea bag in your shoes. Moisture and the smell of sweat are absorbed and the shoe smells good again.

18. Drive away insects

If you have unwanted visitors, place one or more tea bags where you saw them. Small crawling animals don’t like its smell at all. The mint sachets are particularly effective.

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