Uterine Fibroids Can Be Controlled Naturally

They are harmless until they reach a large size. If you suffer from them, changing your diet can help you control their growth.

Fibroids are small benign tumors, located in the uterus, that form from the myometrial layer, which is basically made up of muscle mass.

They usually do not cause problems until they reach the size of a 12-week pregnancy or cause significant symptoms, such as bleeding or painful periods. Its large size hinders the female cycle and can compress the organs near the uterus.

In these cases, the only way to eliminate them is surgery, through a myomectomy or a hysterectomy, the most common intervention.

Causes of fibroids

Among the problems that cause them are the predominance of estrogen, either by:

  • Medicines
  • Meat abuse
  • Intestinal bacterial overgrowth
  • Liver problems
  • Soy can also cause an estrogen surge and be a factor in very sensitive people

To control fibroids in a natural way, it is advisable to eliminate foods that increase this estrogenic predominance, such as meat and dairy products, and others with a high glycemic index (cakes, pastries …), since they raise insulin concentrations and favor growth. of fibroids.

You should also not consume artificial foods with artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, or margarines or other sources of unhealthy trans fatty acids. Natural food, without additives, is an ally in these cases.

How should a diet be to control fibroids?

I advise you to include in your diet seeds and unroasted nuts : flaxseed (especially), pumpkin seeds, sunflower, hemp and walnuts, as well as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower).

It is also recommended that you eat legumes almost daily , including azuki beans, peas and lentils.

When it comes to exercise, I encourage you to run, fast walk, and swim daily. They are beneficial activities. Weight training also helps balance hormones.

Natural supplements for fibroids

Some of the plants most used as hormonal regulators that can be useful are:

  • Chasteberry ( Vitex agnus cas tus)
  • The Cimifuga racemosa
  • The Tripterygium wilfordii

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