The Vicious Circle Of Anxiolytics

The use of anxiolytics, which has been so widespread for a few years, is really dangerous to health and tends to feed back and worsen symptoms.

An important aspect of the power of medicine in modern societies is the psychiatrization of the mind and emotions. In the same way that somatic medicine has classified symptoms and physical disorders, psychiatric medicine has “classified” psychic and emotional disorders. However, in this case the danger is even greater due to the great margin of subjectivity at stake.

This trend causes such a scandalous situation that a simple glance at the famous DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), the official manual of mental disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, would be enough to consider us all sick.

Prisoners of pharmaceutical interests

A fundamental role in this medical control process is played by the pharmaceutical multinationals. Their power and influence is so great that not only do they have drugs for each physical or mental illness, but, when necessary, they promote the description of a new disorder.

The underlying problem is that, in a society as destructive as ours, pharmacological treatments have the future assured. We live in a dehumanized and despiritualized society that has surrendered to machines and has turned itself into a great mechanism, transforming human beings into interchangeable pieces of its gear.

The pieces of this perverse gear are used as long as possible, greasing them with drugs of all kinds and replacing them with others when they are no longer useful.

Human beings have become the pieces of a perverse gear that is greased with all kinds of drugs, to keep it going.

What is anxiety really

If we observe the usual symptoms that official psychiatry attributes to anxiety disorders, we will see that they are a description of the average citizen, that is, a description of those pieces of the great “social machine”: fatigue, feeling of restlessness, inability to relax , worry, decreased appetite, feeling of insecurity, irritability, feeling of inferiority, indecision, apathy, loss of ability to think clearly …

In other words, anxiety is actually the symptom of a sick society, which is a warning that we must change it.

But we are caught in a vicious cycle that keeps everything the same. We have a repressive education that creates insecurity, fear of punishment, of being criticized, judged, observed, of being ridiculed, of not behaving appropriately … All of this encourages the development of compulsive, mechanical, self-repressive “safety” behaviors.

A repressive education generates fears that lead to compulsive and self-repressive behaviors

In addition, we follow unhealthy diets, we are gripped by tensions and economic and work problems, we live in unhealthy environments, we have interpersonal relationships lacking in sincerity and spontaneity …

Many people go to medical consultations with this symptomatic picture and are diagnosed and treated using behavioral therapy and psychotropic drugs.

Anxiolytic addiction: why it costs so much to quit

Anxiolytics, particularly benzodiazepines, have detrimental effects on physical, mental, and emotional health, forcing doses to be reduced or treatment discontinued.

However, if the dose is abruptly reduced or treatment is suspended, a powerful withdrawal syndrome is unleashed that restarts the chain: more anxiety, delusions and psychosomatic disorders.

If this situation is repeated with higher doses or prolonged use of the drugs, the effects worsen, leading to episodes of violence, suicide attempts, confusion, paranoia, homicidal ideas or a feeling of unreality.

It is important to treat these people properly by helping them deepen the causes of anxiety rather than hiding their symptoms.

But even more important is to cure the sick society that produces them.

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