7 Tips For Accepting The Death Of A Loved One

When a loved one leaves us forever, the pain can seem unbearable. Working out the duel and coming to terms with death is not easy.
How to get over a duel

The duel, a journey that fate invites us to do to renew old structures that no longer serve us more, involves critical moments abundant that repeat two or three times a day. Sometimes they last in time.

They are usually associated with memories, moments of loneliness, phone calls, etc. In reality, any unforeseen circumstance can trigger a critical episode.

The predominant emotions associated with these moments are:

  • Anguish
  • Pain
  • Sadness
  • Despair or helplessness
  • Go to
  • Empty
  • Loneliness

Iran mitigating as time goes by. Exceptionally at the beginning and more frequently later, fleeting moments of acceptance and hope will appear, as well as others of serenity in which you will have the certainty that everything is fine. For the moment it is beyond our comprehension.

To work on detachment, acceptance and submission to destiny, daily walks in nature, meditation, feeling, living as far as the here and now can help.

Seek moments of solitude every day to experience closeness with oneself. Talking sincerely with family members and / or trusted people about the emotional situation that is being experienced, this produces a great relief.

How to mourn the death of a loved one

  1. Establish moments of conscious silence in which to work on inner calm and mental stillness, observing our own experiences as if they were those of another person and drawing the appropriate consequences. Simply observation, without fighting anything, only observation and patient and confident waiting for inner wisdom.
  2. Stay tuned and open to the new
  3. that unfolds within us and the most humane and enriching perspectives that will appear in our consciousness. This will generate an improvement in our self-esteem and a more hopeful attitude for the future. It means becoming aware that behind external appearances there is a soul that tries to communicate and that we can access from a receptive attitude, leaving prejudices aside and also moving away from cultural conditioning.

  4. Be aware that in this chaotic state of mind countless thoughts of different origins will intermingle. Some will come from the very cultural context in which we have been educated and in which we live; others, from the demands that our ego imposes on us, and even some others will come from our deep Self. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a certain power of discrimination in order to know how to differentiate them adequately.
  5. Observing living beings in any of their expressions trying to capture not only what they express but what they try to express and a priori it is not so evident to us. An observation from the heart.
  6. Adjust physical and psychological needs
  7. to what they demand, without falling into the trap of self-pity. Precisely, due to the delicate moments that we are going through, it is more than ever necessary to pay special attention to the needs of our body and our soul, without hesitating to request the appropriate help if the situation requires it.

  8. Try to be humble enough to recognize our own limitations and our imperfections as a way of accepting the imperfections of others, being willing to learn from any person or situation.
  9. Remain in an attitude of active listening, attentive to what the spiritual world suggests to us. It is not about doing anything, not even having expectations of anything, but about being actively present and open to what our interior or our tangible or intangible environment want to communicate to us.

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