Committing Is Brave

I don’t understand people who don’t commit. With something, with an idea or with someone. Commitment is the greatest love for life there is. It is believing and it is trusting. It is honoring the moment. It is legitimizing the now.

People who are afraid of commitment believe that they will be here forever.
That he will have another chance.
That he can think about it for all eternity.
That surely something better comes to him.
That there is time and that it is infinite.
But it turns out that it is not.

Sometimes what was there is no longer.
And sometimes the one who stops being is you.

That is why I do not understand people who do not commit.
With something, with an idea or with someone.
If commitment is the greatest show of love for life that exists.
It is believing and it is trusting.
It is honoring the moment.
It is legitimizing the now.

Contrary to what many people believe, commitment is not the opposite of freedom.
In fact, there is no compromise without freedom.
Because the commitment to be true, honest and real, has to be free.
Because there is no greater freedom than staying with someone when you could leave.
Than to defend an idea and get wet when you could be equidistant.

That’s why all you need to commit to is face your fear.

It is to stop being a coward.
And it is to start being brave.
Because brave people always compromise.
Brave people bet on you.
Courageous people defend what is just even though it may be rejected.
Brave people do not run away or make absurd excuses or are selfish.

So be a brave person.
Commit yourself.
Because it will not matter if it lasts three days or a hundred lives.
The important thing is to tie your actions to your feelings.

The fundamental thing is to feel.

It is to understand why you do what you do.
Why do you boycott yourself every time something seems like it has a future.
Why don’t you want anyone to really know what you are like.
Why are you so scared that someone loves you.
Why do you think that if someone loves you is that it depends on you.

The fundamental thing is that you look at that void.
The one you cover with a seductive smile.
The one that forces you to flee from everything and everyone.
The one that prevents you from generating stable links.
The one who has made you a stranger even to yourself.
That emptiness that grows every time you say that you don’t need anyone.

That you are a free soul.

Because maybe what happens to you.
It is that you do not want it to be confirmed that long ago that soul.
You also abandoned her.

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