Don’t Miss Out On Water!

How much we need to hydrate ourselves, not feel bloated and eliminate fluid retention
Girl Drinks Water

This issue brings many of us to a head, how much water should we drink to meet the needs of our body? And yes, I am one of those who surely sin from drinking a little water and therefore suffer from its consequences, especially in times when I get on and off planes like someone who takes the bus. The humidity in the airplane air is less than 20% and dehydration is very common.

Dry skin, brittle hair, constipation, headaches, muscle or joint pain, fluid retention… These are some of the symptoms that your body is thirsty. How much water do we need exactly? We are not very clear, but what I have no doubt is that we should drink more water to feel healthier and avoid fluid retention and feeling bloated.

Water, the essential element for life

Water helps us regulate body temperature, envelops all the tissues of our body, it is the medium through which all nutrients and oxygen circulate, it is necessary to eliminate waste and protects our joints and organs.

We waste water in all the biochemical reactions of our body and we lose part of it when we sweat, urinate and even when we breathe, so we must constantly replenish the organism with it.

One of the indicators that we are drinking enough water is the color of our urine, if it is yellow or amber and has a very strong smell, it is a sign of dehydration. We will know that we are drinking enough water when our urine has practically no color.

It is clear that thirst will be the first indicator that your body begins to dehydrate, the problem is that many people confuse thirst with hunger.

Yes, yes, but… How many liters of water should we drink?

According to the Department of Health and Medicine of the American National Academy, men need 3.5 liters per day, and women 2.8 liters. But these figures are very relative since the need may vary according to many factors.

To begin with, depending on the type of diet we follow, we will ingest more or less water through food. If in our day to day we drink infusions, juices or green smoothies, eat salads, fruits and vegetable creams, we will obtain part of the liquid we need, unlike if our food routine consists of toast with jam, pasta dish, steak and French fries .

Another factor will be the season of the year or geographical location, depending on this we will lose more or less water through the pores of the skin. In a hot and humid climate we will need to drink more water, and in a desert place where the air is dry too. I experienced it myself when I lived in Las Vegas, even though it was winter I felt that I was more thirsty than usual.

If you practice sports, it will also be very important to hydrate yourself well before and after exercise. In addition to replacing lost fluid, it will help prevent cramps.

Other situations in which you will need to increase your water consumption is in case of pregnancy or lactation, or if you have diarrhea, vomiting or fever.

How can water help me deflate?

Drinking more water will help you eliminate retained fluids, and it will be even more effective if you avoid taking salt and increase the consumption of foods rich in potassium such as fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sometimes we also feel bloated when we are really beginning to store fat in the abdominal area … it has been shown that in adulthood, when you drink more water, you stop consuming more calories, which does help to lose weight after a few days . This does not mean that drinking water makes you lose weight, but it can fill your stomach and avoid consuming other sugary drinks.

How to drink water?

The body is not designed to drink all the water it needs in one sitting. If we do so, we could cause hyponatremia, or in other words, intoxication due to excess water. In this case, the sodium levels in the blood fall too fast, which could put our lives at risk.

So the best thing is to distribute it throughout the day:

• 1 good glass of water with a few drops of lemon juice on an empty stomach

• 1 infusion with it with breakfast or mid-morning

• 1 mid afternoon tea

• 1 relaxing infusion before going to bed

• 1 bottle of 750 ml-1 l free of bisphenol (BPA) filled with water that we will walk with us all day and that we will sip throughout the day.

During meals it is advisable not to drink a lot of water so as not to dissolve gastric juices and, if we do, we should sip it.

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