Do You Want To Look Younger? Bet On Live Food

A diet rich in raw foods maintains your reserves of enzymes and nutrients, thus slowing down your aging.

Our body has a reserve of digestive enzymes, which are proteins created by our body to catalyze, that is, accelerate chemical reactions that play a key role in the digestive process. As we get older this reserve decreases little by little.

In part , we compensate for this loss with enzymes in some foods, especially living ones. In fact, our digestive system is designed to digest food with enzymes; For this reason, if we eat foods that do not contain them in sufficient quantity, our organism has to work more and uses its endogenous reserve.

Prolongs the youth of your body

This enzymatic loss favors aging and premature wear of the skin, blood and all organs. But if we eat foods with enzymes we will stay younger and healthier and we will have more energy.

We can eat foods with enzymes as is or subject them to certain natural processes: germination, fermentation, dehydration, crushing … but always without exposing them to temperatures above 40-45 ˚C so that they can provide us with their nutrients in the optimal state.

Don’t wait to see the signs of aging to start taking care of yourself. To look young on the outside we need to keep our blood young. And what is a young blood like? A blood oxygenated and free of toxins, with a balanced pH, slightly alkaline.

The raw food diet

The raw food diet or raw food diet is ideal, because apart from providing vitality and enzymes, “living food” is an extraordinary tool to detoxify the body and get rid of excess kilos.

This diet does not include foods with gluten, sugar, or dairy. It is, therefore, an ideal option for people with intolerances and allergies to these types of products, with diseases or, simply, who want to take care of themselves and eat rich without the need to eat animals.

In addition, “living food” connects you with your spiritual side and sensitizes you to the cycles of nature. Remember that the key is to enlarge the salad and include plenty of fresh, lively and colorful foods on your plate. You will feel better and you will see the environment with different eyes.

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