Nobody Prepares Us To Generate Intimacy

They teach us to learn languages, to earn money, to place capital on the map. Nobody teaches us to generate intimacy.
Of your proximity

Nobody prepares us for intimacy.

They teach us to eat by closing our mouths, to look both ways when crossing the street, to say thank you, to apologize.

They teach us to get money, to pay, to speak other languages, to place capital that we will never step on, to remember what others did, to play with numbers and identify things that others discovered.

They teach us data that makes us feel superior to those who do not know that data; that make us feel accompanied by those who know the same data; that make us fear those who know other data that we do not know.

But nobody talks to us about what happens when you generate intimacy, when you let the other occupy that space that up to that moment only you have occupied.

Intimacy is a whiff of yourself that you reserve for another

And it is in that shared way of breathing that more of you goes than in anything you have done up to that moment or will ever do.

Much more than all that you have learned from the outside, because intimacy follows the reverse process: it is born from you to teach another.

It is in that place where one becomes more brittle and at the same time more powerful.

Strange contradiction.

After sharing intimacy for the first time in your life, the next day, when you walk or greet people you meet, everything settles into a nebula, as if you had brought part of a dream into this reality.

You do not remember the orgasm, if there was one, you are not able to remember the face well either (faces change so much when you get very close to them), you cannot even concentrate on remembering all the details.

We turn intimacy into a bargaining chip, into one more task, into a hole in which to empty the anxiety caused by being fully alive and awake and knowing that one day we will be.

We are wrong again, as always.

It is always the first time.

Every day is the first time.

The stage of the world is there for us.

All fulfilling its function.

Giving us a new opportunity every second.

To us, depositaries of conscience.

But we don’t care.

We are once again filled with daily news, with data to comment on, on which to get pissed off, on which to position ourselves, on external things that have nothing to do with ourselves.


It is so easy to generate intimacy and we do it so little.

Generating that cosmic rattle that involves feeling, without thinking, and hugging each other until the world and its people become a simple fact about which others argue without stopping.

Let’s hug more.

Although they have not taught us.

We can learn to love each other.

Because today.


It is.

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