Protect Yourself From The Enemies Of Summer

3 remedies to drive away mosquitoes, cure bites and avoid itching
 Anti-Pitting Repair Balm

Just as good weather is an essential part of summer, mosquitoes and other small critters are also part of it. These small, but annoying, creatures appear with greater intensity in times of heat and humidity.

It does not matter where we go anywhere in the world, as long as we think of places with warm temperatures and especially with humidity. Mosquitoes are the order of the day.

As we know, there are many types of mosquitoes and each one with its type of bite, but almost always the reasons why these tiny beings are attracted to our skin are very common and similar.

The myths that the blood type of each person is a factor that attracts these beings more or that if a person has more glucose in their blood can be indicators to aggravate the number of bites are little verifiable. But there are some things that we can avoid to attract them and others to drive them away naturally and easily.

How not to attract them

We must avoid using floral fragrances in summer, as well as creams or body oils with very sweet smells. It is better to use essential oil preparations such as lavender or citrus or opt for perfumes with more neutral and less intense aromas.

Curiously, hairspray contains some chemicals that attract mosquitoes and it is much better to use other types of fixatives in the form of gels and not spray, even if it is possible to avoid them is much better.

As we know, light attracts them in a powerful way. If we are at a dinner or evening in the garden, it is important that the candles are not fruity smells, far from it.

How to chase them away

There are candles with essential oil of citronella that acts as a natural repellent. In addition, it is very important to apply anti-mosquito repellants to our skin and in the evening try to wear clothes that, although light, cover our arms and legs more.

There are natural plants that are powerful natural repellants so if we have a garden, having them on hand is a great help. However, we can buy bunches of these plants and place them in vases as flower arrangements.

Some of these plants can also be used in our diet and in our most refreshing drinks, such as mint, lavender or basil.

Summer plants with anti-mosquito powers

  1. Citronella. It has a very strong citrus aroma that is unpleasant for insects. Also, this strong odor masks other sweet odors that can attract mosquitoes.
  2. Basil. It has a compound called estragole that repels mosquitoes, in addition to giving it that characteristic aroma.
  3. Lavender. Its famous smell is very unpleasant for mosquitoes, which makes them stay away.
  4. Mint. It is also its characteristic aroma that is responsible for keeping mosquitoes away.

Natural and homemade recipes

Finally I leave you a small list of homemade preparations, which will serve as natural remedies to avoid bites, treat the itchiness they cause and, also, a remedy to heal the skin after a bite.

These home remedies can be used in children and pregnant people.

Natural Anti-Mosquito Repellent

Ingredients and materials

  • 40ml of distilled water or Lavender hydrolate
  • 10ml of Vodka or 99% organic alcohol
  • 5 drops of Peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • A Vaporizer
  • A funnel


  1. Introduce the water and alcohol through the funnel into the vaporizer,
  2. Shake it to mix more homogeneously.
  3. Add the drops of peppermint and rosemary essential oil. You can change the type of essential oil (lavender, citronella, etc).
  4. Apply it as a vaporizer on the body. Avoid contact with the eyes.

Soothing anti-itch spray


  • 50ml of distilled water or lavender hydrolate
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 5 drops of citronella essential oil


Mix the ingredients save in a jar to drizzle over the bites when needed.

Anti-Pitting Repair Balm


  • 2 tablespoons of shea
  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil
  • 1 teaspoon candelilla wax
  • ΒΌ teaspoon calendula oil
  • 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 5-10 drops of tea tree essential oil


  1. Melt the shea in a bowl over a double boiler.
  2. Remove from the fire. Add the avocado oil and the candelilla wax. Melt over low heat and mix.
  3. Add the calendula oil and essential oils.
  4. Remove from the fire.
  5. Let cool to room temperature and when it is dry beat a little to give it a smooth texture.
  6. Cover and store.

Use with clean skin on mosquito bites.

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