The Biodynamic Calendar In The Kitchen

We can improve the properties of food by cooking it. For this we will take into account the influences of the stars.
biodynamic kitchen calendar

Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner is considered the father of biodynamic agriculture. It is based on the fact that the earth is also a living organ. And plants, animals and man have to work in unison to keep it alive and healthy.

For Steiner the stars also influence plants. It takes into account the forces of the Earth, the solar and lunar rhythms, the constellations of the zodiac and the planets of the solar system.

German farmer Maria Thun continued to delve into Steiner’s research, creating the biodynamic calendar on which our lunar haircut and waxing calendar is based. It is currently the most followed by farmers who follow these practices.

The biodynamic calendar indicates the best times for sowing or harvesting. But it is also applicable to the kitchen; to the preparation of pickles, sauces or dishes with vegetables, vegetables or fruits.

Lunar kitchen calendar

Each of the 12 constellations is under the influence of one of the 4 elements : earth, air, water and fire, influencing in turn, when the moon passes in front of them, in one of the parts of the plant.

The constellations are divided as follows:

  • Root constellations: Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus.
  • Fruit constellations: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.
  • Leaf constellations: Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces.
  • Flower constellations: Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.

What to cook according to the moon

The biodynamic calendar places great importance on the influence of the 4 elements (earth, air, water and fire). Each one activates a different part of the plant: root, leaf, fruit and flower.

We have to look at the element that will activate the part that we want to elaborate and work with it according to its day.

  • Earth element: activates the roots of plants. The root days are the ideal ones for the elaborations or cooked with tubers: radishes, garlic, onions, potatoes.
  • Water element: it is related to the activation of the leaves. On leaf days she cooks spinach, chard, lettuce, celery, and also basil and spearmint.
  • Air element: activates the flower. During flower days, take the opportunity to get the most out of artichokes, all kinds of cabbages and edible flowers such as calendula.
  • Fire element: activates the fruit of plants and trees. On fruit days he prepares olives, olive oil, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and other vegetables. Also fruits and berries.

The sap and the moons

Each product has its day, its element and its constellation. But the moons also influence it. Keep them in mind!

  • Every time the moon moves away from the Earth, it creates an upward impulse that moves the sap of the plant towards its vegetative part, taking the expiratory forces of the vegetable out, so it is not advisable to start fermentations and pickles.
  • When the moon approaches the Earth, it draws that sap into the ground and helps the attributes of the food stay inside, giving the best of themselves when the elaboration is finished (in preserves, fermented, macerated and pickled ). It enhances its flavor, nuances, aromas and nutrients.

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