What Foods Cause Heartburn?

Annoying stomach reflux that feels like a burning in the chest can be favored by certain foods. Find out what they are and how they are related to heartburn.

Heartburn or reflux produces a painful burning sensation in the chest, just behind the breastbone. In the vast majority of cases it is an occasional discomfort, which is not a cause for concern and is usually related to the intake of certain foods or bad habits. We are going to review which are those foods that can give you a bad time. Avoiding them and improving your diet are more sensible measures than taking antacid medications, which are not free of side effects.

Why does heartburn occur?

Reflux or heartburn occurs when acidic secretions from the stomach back up into the esophagus. This can happen because the lower esophageal valve has relaxed abnormally. Some people may suffer from heartburn as a result of a condition called a hiatal hernia, which occurs when the upper part of the stomach swells and protrudes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity.

Foods that cause reflux

These foods do not cause heartburn in everyone, but those who suffer from the discomfort can see if consuming them acts as a trigger.

  • Very fatty foods. Fried foods, cheeses, butter, sauces with cream, whole dairy products in general, fatty meats and sausages are associated with acidity, because fat is digested slowly and delays the emptying of the stomach. Therefore, when consumed in excess it causes a large production of stomach acids. In addition, as the digestive process slows down, the pressure in the stomach increases and a feeling of heaviness appears.
  • White bread and industrial pastries. They are foods with a high content of sugars, refined flours and saturated fats that force the stomach to work more and that can cause heartburn.
  • Spicy foods. Not that spicy is bad, on the contrary, most spicy foods are anti-inflammatory, but they can stimulate the stomach lining and, therefore, the production of acids. This can happen if you are not used to being spicy, but if you regularly eat foods rich in capsaicin, such as chili, PadrĂ³n peppers, etc., you can actually prevent reflux.
  • Onion, garlic and peppers. Some people find it difficult to digest these vegetables, which, on the other hand, are very healthy. This happens especially if they are taken raw. To avoid discomfort, they can be eaten well cooked for a season.
  • Citric and acidic fruits. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, red fruits, pineapples and kiwis are foods that can also cause heartburn. It is advisable not to abuse them and, if you have heartburn, opt for fruits such as banana, pear or melon, and preferably ripe, compote or smoothies.
  • Tomato derivatives. Tomato and its derived products, such as ketchup, are also acidic, which can increase the irritating effect of stomach secretions and promote reflux.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages irritate the inner lining of the stomach, increase stomach acid production, and delay stomach emptying. Any of these factors can also cause abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Coffee. It is stimulating and acidifying, so it is advisable to take it in moderation.
  • Carbonated drinks. When consumed in excess, they favor the release of stomach acids.

If, even taking these tips into account, you suffer from heartburn, you can take capsules or infusions of medicinal plants that reduce inflammation and reduce discomfort. Among the most recommended medicinal plants to alleviate these digestive symptoms are licorice, mint, lemon balm, fennel, ginger and chamomile.

You can also take lifestyle measures such as:

  • Maintain or reduce weight if necessary.
  • Avoid clothes that tighten the abdomen.
  • Do not have a late dinner and allow three hours to pass before going to bed.
  • Since anxiety can make symptoms worse, it is interesting to master a relaxation technique.

When reflux continues to occur more than twice a week, it is important to see a doctor because specific treatment may be necessary to prevent the esophagus from being damaged.

Reflux can be mistaken for a heart attack (and vice versa)

Burning in the chest caused by reflux can be mistaken for a heart condition. Some people believe they are having a heart attack. It is important that the opposite does not happen: confusing a heart attack with reflux. In heart attack, the most common symptoms are pressure in the chest, pain that radiates to the arms, back, or neck, and tachycardia. When in doubt, it is advisable to go to a medical emergency.

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