Antibiotics, Less Is More

Prescribed many times when not needed, kill beneficial bacteria, and have side effects. Take them only when it is essential.
Antibiotics, less is more

Everything in the body is interconnected and constitutes a vast ecosystem that provides us with health and life. If we eliminated all the microbes from our body, we would die. In the treatments, we have to respect the good bacteria by targeting the bad ones with greater precision so as not to create bacterial resistance to conventional treatments.

We take too many antibiotics

Of the antibiotics prescribed in Spain, 80-90% are obtained with a prescription from primary care physicians. The error of the conventional strategy is proven with recurrent infections: with each new course of antibiotic treatment, the body weakens and the new outbreak of infection appears shortly after.

80-90% of antibiotics are prescribed in primary care centers. 44% wrongly or unnecessarily.

It must be remembered that respiratory symptoms that begin suddenly, within hours, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, fever, vomiting or diarrhea and a dry cough, are most likely due to an infection caused by a virus. And these are not treated with antibiotics. When administered improperly, antibiotics negatively influence the microbiota itself.

Superbugs: A Serious Threat

The phenomenon of resistance indicates that something has not been done well and that it is necessary to change policies in the fight against infections. The World Health Organization itself states in its 2014 microbial resistance surveillance report that “without urgent and coordinated action, the world is heading towards a post-antibiotic era in which common infections and minor injuries that we have successfully treated for decades they can be deadly again. “

“The world is heading towards a post-antibiotic era”

For the last 70 years, doctors have generously prescribed antibiotics with a very broad spectrum of action, some more related to infections of the respiratory tract, others for urinary tract or skin infections. We assumed that its action was so strong and general that it would kill all the offending bacteria.

We did not stop to think that we also killed the good ones that protected us. The correct thing would have been to think that if we get sick it is likely that we are missing something. Instead of killing or eliminating the symptoms, we are going to look for the root of the problem, find out what we lack or what we have to add.

Natural alternatives to antibiotics

Without antibiotics, the viral infection can be resolved in about seven days with the help of plants, nutrients, and special care. The ideal is to hydrate, nourish, decongest, drain, detoxify and adequately supplement the patient. It is important to stay at home, rest for at least three days, applying gentle massages or practicing stretching.

It is also not a good idea to ignore the virus and try to overcome the infection by taking symptomatic medication such as paracetamol to be able to continue working and doing normal activities as if nothing was wrong. It is better to reorganize for a few days than to risk complications, such as a bacterial infection that does require treatment and a slow recovery, with fatigue and reduced intellectual and physical performance.

We must also remember that if we suffer a viral infection it means that we can easily infect anyone who is close to us, even if it is only for a moment and we have resorted to pills to reduce symptoms.

When is it correct to take antibiotics?

If after 5-7 days the symptoms worsen, it is time to consider antibiotic treatment. But first it is convenient to carry out the culture of the mucus that you eliminate (from the nose, throat or the expectoration that you have with the cough). With the culture and the antibiogram, it is possible to know exactly which is the most precise and effective antibiotic. With these data we would have the assurance that the treatment is necessary and is tailor-made.

Especially it is interesting to carry out these analyzes in cases of recurrent infections so as not to repeat the prescription that has been ineffective. In infections in which the affected area cannot be accessed, the antibiotic that most frequently offers good results is administered.

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