Folic Acid Is Not Just For Pregnant Women!

This vitamin is not just for pregnant women. Its role in the regulation of homocysteine ​​makes it a key part of the protection of the cardiovascular system.
folic acid cholesterol

Almost everyone knows that folic acid deficiency is the main cause of damage during fetal development. But its incidence on cardiovascular health is not so well known . A varied plant diet rich in this vitamin opens a new therapeutic line in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disorders.

As its name indicates, this vitamin of group B – B 9abounds in vegetables : green leaves, legumes, nuts and cereals. Currently, the shortage of vegetables in the diet of many people means that the daily minimums are not covered.

Folic acid regulates homocysteine ​​levels

Folic acid is essential to neutralize the high levels of homocysteine in the blood plasma. When you abuse foods of animal origin, you can consume twice as much protein as you need. And, with them, from methionine, the amino acid from which homocysteine ​​is derived. This facilitates the deposit and calcification of lipids in the arteries, which become rigid.

An excess of homocysteine ​​is linked to coronary, vascular diseases of the brain and the lower extremities, as well as venous thrombosis, kidney failure, dementias or Alzheimer’s.

The elevation of homocysteine ​​does not depend on cholesterol or blood pressure, diabetes or smoking, but its effect is enhanced in combination with them. Yes, genetic factors, age and lifestyle influence.

But the determining element is the diet and, specifically, the lack or abundance of vitamin B 9 , so important to eliminate homocysteine. It also works in collaboration with vitamins B 6 and B 12 , which we must also ensure.

The presence of folic acid in the plasma reduces excess homocysteine, which results in better arterial vasodilation, less oxidation of LDL or “bad” cholesterol, better platelet clotting and aggregation, and greater flexibility of the blood vessels.

Detect Folic Acid Deficiencies

The folic acid requirements increase during pregnancy and lactation. Also in diseases such as inflammatory, kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis, cancer, smoking and treatments with certain drugs.

The deficiencies are detected with a blood test, routine in pregnant women and other people at risk. The normal range is between 2.7 and 17 nanograms per milliliter. It is also advisable to check the levels of vitamins B 6 and B 12 , since their metabolic action is usually collaborative.

What is the minimum amount of folic acid needed per day?

The recommendation for adults is 400 mcg per day. In pregnancy it rises to 600 mcg, and in lactation, to 500 mcg. In children, between 150 mcg and 300 mcg are advised. In many countries these doses are not reached: in Europe the average consumption is 290 mcg in men and 250 mcg in women.

As for the excess of folic acid, that of food does not have any type of toxicity. The synthetic is safe up to 1,000 mcg per day; in higher doses it can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, sleep disturbances, irritability, confusion, nausea, skin reactions, gas or seizures.

How to feed

The most convenient way to take folic acid is by eating foods that contain it. A serving of beans provides more than 75% of what we need. Other good sources are: sunflower seeds, spinach, chives, watercress, legumes, cabbages, endives, asparagus, endive …

It is best to take leafy salads, sprouted legumes and natural nuts. As it is a water-soluble vitamin, part of it passes into the water during cooking and is lost: cook with little water or steam, or use that water in soups, sauces or stews.

It seems that green tea interferes with the functioning of folic acid in the body, and a high consumption could lead to a deficiency. The interference of folic acid in the absorption of zinc from other foods is sometimes of concern, but it is not significant.

Many products (breakfast cereals, cookies, milk …) are enriched with B 9 . But there are healthier supplements that provide a good dose and that you can add to any dish, such as wheat germ or brewer’s yeast.

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