Goodbye To Acne: 6 Ways To Reduce It Naturally

The treatment of acne must be considered through changes in eating habits and life that lead to a better skin condition.

Eliminate acne with plants and exercise

The acne or pimples appear during adolescence, when hormones begin to stimulate hair follicles. Its manifestations can range from mild to more serious: superficial pustules (accumulation of pus in follicular orifices), nodules (accumulation of deeper pus) and cysts derived from nodules that destroy the surrounding tissue.

It arises from an alteration of the hair follicle and its sebaceous gland that begins with the excess production of keratin, the main component of the epidermis.

The hyperkeratinization blocks the channel and the follicle increases the concentration of sebum production and Propionibacterium acnes , a bacillus biota skin, decompose to the sebum causes inflammation.

The increased androgen and decreased linoleic acid in the fat of keratinization and adolescents stimulates hypercornification (callus) of the follicular canal.

Foods with a high glycemic index reduce the tolerance of people with acne, there is even talk of a “diabetes of the skin”. The skin needs contact with the sun and the air, the earth and the water. Its absence can trigger or worsen acne episodes. There are drug poisonings that cause acne: oral contraceptives, lithium, haloids, hydantoids, rifampicin, bromide, iodine …

Not all treatments are beneficial

Avoid toxic treatments, such as those based on vitamin A and retinols. They are effective, but they use synthetic derivatives such as threthionine and isotretinoin that can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is advisable to read the side effects carefully and be well informed.

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