The Six Superpowers Of Astragalus

Astragalus root is one of the stars of traditional Chinese medicine. It is used to boost immunity and treat a variety of health problems.

The Astragalus ( Astragalus membranaceus ) is a medicinal plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine . The root is used, which can be found in powder, liquid or tablet form. In its composition are substances that produce a series of benefits.

Astragalus is well tolerated by most people, which is taken therapeutically in doses of 10 to 60 g daily. Some people may react with itching, rhinitis, nausea, and diarrhea. Pregnant and lactating women should not take it.

Before taking any medicinal plant to treat symptoms, you must be sure of its cause. See a medical professional with knowledge of medicinal plants for a diagnosis and controlled treatment.

1. Strengthens immunity

Astragalus is able to increase the white blood cell count that can prevent and reduce infections by viruses and bacteria, including those that cause colds and flu.

Due to its immunity boost, astragalus is not recommended for people with autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, unless authorized by a doctor.

For the same reason, it should not be taken if for any reason you are being treated with immunosuppressants.

2. Helps the heart

It makes their work easier by dilating the blood vessels, which favors the flow of blood. It also reduces inflammation.

In a clinical study, 2.25 g of astragalus was administered twice daily for two weeks to patients with heart failure, along with conventional treatment. These patients experienced improvements in their heart function in excess of those who had only taken drugs.

In addition, astragalus reduces the symptoms of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle).

3. Control glucose

It is the most prescribed plant in China to control type 2 diabetes, along with treatment and diet. Studies show that it improves glucose metabolism and reduces its levels in the blood. In animal studies it has proven that it can help you lose weight (it has not been confirmed in people).

In China, doses of 40 to 60 g are administered daily to control glucose.

4. Promotes the proper functioning of the kidney

Astragalus reduces the presence of protein (proteinuria) in the urine, which indicates an improvement in the function of this organ. It also reduces the risk of infections in people with kidney failure.

A review of studies published in Cochrane and conducted at Sichuan University indicates that a dose of 7.5 to 15 g of astragalus per day for 6 months reduces the risk of infection by 38% in people with nephrotic syndrome.

5. It gives you more energy

In decoction and combined with other plants it can reduce fatigue, even in people with chronic fatigue.

According to a study carried out at the Yueyang Hospital of the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the traditional recipe called Lixu Jieyu is effective to treat chronic fatigue . This consists of a decoction of 30 g of astragalus root, 30 g of kudzu, 15 g of Codonopsis lanceolata root , 10 g of Salvia miltiorrhiza root , 15 g of cat grape ( Phedimus aizoon ), 10 g of epimeddium, 10 g of turmeric and 10 g of Acorus gramineus rhizome . Take 100 ml of the decoction twice a day.

6. Prevents allergies

A dose of 80 mg of extract twice a day reduces seasonal allergy symptoms such as rhinitis.

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