You Are My Lighthouse And My Shore: I Need You

Human beings need certainties. We need to know that we can count on someone. We cannot live feeling constant abandonment. Rejection. Lack of security.

Human beings need to create real bonds with others.
We cannot do it all alone.
We need each other.

Human beings have to expect things from other human beings.
And we have to do it on behalf of humanity.
Of all that invisible that unites us.

That reminds us that we come from the same place and we go to the same place.
That we are made of the same stuff.
That we are the same and that our fears are similar.

Human beings cannot say that we do not expect anything from anyone. Of course we wait.

Because when you are present.
When you surrender.
When it is you and you put your emotion into play.
It is impossible not to expect that they will give you something back.

Because if there is a void.
Or an infinite silence.
What you feel is that you are stupid.
It is that you have been scammed or deceived.

You feel like you’ve wasted your time. That everything was a well in which someone hungry fed on you.

Human beings have the right to ask for a minimum.
To demand that we be treated well.
Let us be taken care of.
The problem is that we have been led to believe that we do not deserve it.
That we have to be independent.

To such an extent that when you have the need to claim something.
They make you think that it is out of the ordinary to do so.
That there is nothing signed.
Is it not enough to sign a hole in your heart for others?

Human beings need certainties.
We need to know that we can count on someone.
We cannot live feeling constant abandonment.

Lack of security.
We need lighthouses and shores.
And it is our responsibility to listen and sustain.
Preventing shipwreck.

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