Complete Plan To Understand Your Skin And Take Care Of It

We explain a complete care program for one of the most important organs of your body and, at the same time, the most forgotten and worst treated.
skin care

When we read “guidelines to take care of the skin”, we automatically imagine that they will give us advice to show off a radiant and young face, but before continuing reading, let’s reflect for a moment on this question: what do you know about your skin?

Functions of the skin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body. It has an area of ​​approximately two square meters and its thickness varies depending on the area. The eyelid, which is the thinnest area, can be 0.5 mm thick; however, the heel can reach 4mm. Its approximate weight is 5 kg.

It is very important to take care of it, since it acts as a protective barrier isolating the organism from the environment that surrounds it, protecting it and helping to maintain its entire structures, while acting as a communication system with the environment.

It is not given all the importance it has and it is the organ that receives the least care. In babies it is the most developed organ and already in the womb it seeks contact through movement.

How we damage our skin

There are multiple factors that can negatively interfere with the well-being of our skin:

  1. Inadequate eating habits.
  2. Tobacco and alcohol abuse, which pose an obstacle in the correct assimilation of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Sudden changes in weight.
  4. Excess exposure to sunlight.
  5. Lack of hydration. The skin needs a regular intake of water to stay healthy.
  6. Inappropriate cosmetic habits.
  7. Air pollution.
  8. Stress, anxiety, and other emotional imbalances.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the most basic emotions have a direct influence on our body and our skin.

  • The excess concern decreases the life energy of spleen and stomach, resulting in slow digestion storage toxic blood, poor absorption and distribution of food. Consequently the skin becomes flabby and acquires a yellowish hue.
  • The anger is directly related to the liver. When we feel anger, the purifying organ compresses and accumulates bile. When it is overloaded, the skin secretes more oil, acne, allergies and its tone is more greenish.
  • The sadness attacks the lungs and is directly related to the defesa skin and vitality. An excess of sadness can interfere with the size of the pores and give them a whitish tone.
  • The fear connected with kidney and lowers the energy and the body’s defenses. The problems that it generates in the skin are dryness, sensitivity and it turns it a darker tone.

Needs presented by our skin

By understanding a little better the skin, its functions and the factors that influence it, it is easier to focus on its needs and the necessary care. It is essential to enjoy healthy skin to nourish it from the inside and take care of it from the outside.

How to nurture it from the inside?

The main nutrients that the skin needs internally are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and 6)
  • Healthy and preferably organic food
  • Positive emotions

How to take care of it from the outside?

The care that the skin needs could be compared to a healthy and balanced diet. All the products that we use must be assimilated by the body and of ecological origin to avoid substances that are harmful to our health.

The quality of the products we use is of vital importance in daily care. There are currently three types of cosmetics on the market: chemical, natural and ecological.

Although the big brands promise us miraculous effects with their arch-magical formulas of unpronounceable names, their effects are harmful to our skin because they contain substances that are not recognizable by our body and, therefore, cannot be assimilated.

Many of those brands have joined the green fashion in which it seems that only with the premise of “free of parabens and silicones” they are free of sin, but, in reality, they are nothing more than little costumes.

Organic cosmetics is the best choice. Its benefits are visible on the skin and on health. The cosmetic products we use come into contact as deep as food can.

On many occasions it is not feasible to be able to acquire a whole line of ecological cosmetics, in this case it is important to prioritize those cosmetics that are in contact with the skin or mucous membranes for longer, such as moisturizing cream, deodorant, body cream, cream. of hands and toothpaste. Also those cosmetics that may be in contact with wounds, since through the blood it will take three seconds to penetrate the interior, such as shaving foam, after shave and post-depilatory creams.

Daily routine for healthy skin

Many of us face a hectic pace of life and lack time, but I’m happy to tell you that taking care of yourself can be easy.

They have led us to believe that to have beautiful skin you have to use thousands of products, spend a lot of time and invest a good amount of money, and that makes us give up before even trying. Nothing is further from reality. Taking care of yourself is easy if done right.

Let’s summarize the basic needs for exterior skin care in three easy steps.

1. Cleaning

Facial skin is especially exposed to environmental factors such as dust, pollution and other toxic agents that fill it with impurities and promote aging. That is why it is the most important step of all. Thanks to this gesture, the skin can breathe, regenerate and better absorb the nutrients that we apply afterwards.

We must choose the most suitable product for our needs. If it is soap, look for it to be ecological so that it does not dry out the skin and cold saponification to maintain the nutrients and the quality of the oils.

Virgin milks are also easy to use since they do not need to be removed and provide micronutrients.

For the body we will opt in the same way for an organic soap that cleans without drying.

2. Exfoliation

The skin has a function as an ether that allows the elimination of different substances through sweat and sebaceous secretion. It is necessary to eliminate the dead cells that remain accumulated on the surface. It is usually a step that causes a lot of laziness, but once it is included in the routine there are improvements in the action of the treatments used and an improvement in the existing imbalances.

It is important that the peels are not chemical or aggressive, as they damage the skin. Its use is recommended between one and two times a week on the face and every 15 days on the body.

3. Hydration

The skin has its own hydration mechanism, which with the passage of time and bad care habits loses its effectiveness. It is important to help her by providing good quality nutrients and not overloading her with excess products.

The skin, like the stomach, has a limited intake capacity, so applying too many products saturates it, preventing its cellular respiration.

We can play with the textures to adapt to the need we have and alternate the products to provide a good cosmetic diet.

Oils and butters are a good option for skin that is always covered by clothes and fabrics that suffocate it.

An example of a cosmetic routine so as not to have excuses

In the morning:

  • It is very important to clean it when you wake up, as it exudes toxins during the night.
  • Then a moisturizing cream is used as a cosmetic breakfast that will provide you with reserves to endure the day.
  • If makeup is used, we will always opt for an ecological option, so that an occlusive film does not form that prevents skin breathing.
  • Remember that emotions positively influence our skin, so good positive thinking is also key before leaving home.

At night:

  • Everything accumulated during the day weighs on our skin at the end of the day. Just like when we get home we take off our shoes and clothes, our skin needs to free itself of the layer of dirt that has formed on it. Cleanse with a suitable product and use an oil or serum to provide nutrition. To remove make-up from the eyes, a good trick is to mix some floral or hydrolate water with a few drops of oil.
  • Before going to bed, do a meditation exercise of at least two minutes where you can breathe and release accumulated emotions. The skin regenerates while we sleep and in this way we help it to perform its functions well.


  • Perform a gentle exfoliation to help skin remove dead cells. Peeling is like the “weekend” for the skin. It allows you to free yourself from the accumulated to continue doing your job well.

And to conclude, remember that the greatest need our skin has is for happiness. Happy people always have healthy skin. “The years wrinkle the skin, but giving up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul”, said Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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