“BioCultura Barcelona Will Be A Party Because People Want To Meet Again”

The director of the BioCultura fair and president of Vida Sana, Ángeles Parra, explains the news of the Barcelona 2021 edition, which will be will be held from July 8 to 11. He also tells us about the objectives of BioCultura y Vida Sana for the coming years, as promoters of a more ecological and just society.
Angeles Parra

When he was 25 years old, Ángeles Parra settled in Madrid with the illusion of changing the world together with other fellow ecology activists to propose to the then mayor, Enrique Tierno Galván, a revolutionary idea that sounded very alternative at the time: holding an ecological fair that will support pollutant-free and sustainable food. The old professor, who had something of a visionary, not only encouraged them, but also gave them some facilities for free and a little help to start it up.

This is how BioCultura was born, a project that, 36 years later, is at the forefront of bio culture in our country and beyond our borders. Ángeles Parra, its current director, explains the news of the new post-covid edition of this event, which is currently being held in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Seville, Valencia, Bilbao and La Coruña.

–From July 8 to 11 in Barcelona, ​​BioCultura hopes to open its doors again in person. What are the main novelties that the fair will offer on this occasion?
–In all this time of COVID-19 parenthesis we have not stopped thinking, imagining a better world, and we have always reached the same conclusion: the world is already beautiful, it is already perfect … It is our activity as a species that is spoiling and getting sick. So we invite everyone to visit BioCultura to re-learn what we have lost. To renew ourselves, reinvent ourselves, to empower ourselves as conscious citizens.

–We will meet again in the workshops and spaces for reflection.
–There will be 200 face-to-face activities and about 100 online. BioCultura activities are a manual for change… For this reason, this year, in addition to all the proposals that will take place at the fair, we will be able to remain connected when we return home.

We are going to dedicate an extensive program of activities also online that you will be able to enjoy during the 4 days of the fair completely free of charge. People are looking forward to meeting, BioCultura Barcelona is going to be a party!

– What will be the highlight?
–The eco-gastronomic showcooking will again bring us aromas, flavors and textures… There will be everything from oil tastings to cooking with seaweed, Ayurveda cuisine, workshops to avoid food waste… And this year, coinciding with the fact that Barcelona is the World Capital of Sustainable Food, the summer menu of the capital will be designed live, by three hospitality schools. The master of ceremony will be Xavier Pellicer, whose restaurant has been awarded the Award for Best Vegetable Restaurant in the World in 2018 by the We’re Smart Green Guide and has just been awarded the Chef of the Year award at Madrid Fusión.

The ecological cosmetics workshops will also be present with many recommendations and proposals that will range from a professional day to how to prepare the skin for summer and sun protection, thermal dermo-aesthetics, superfoods to feed our skin …

And there will also be a very important workshop in these times: we will delve into greenwashing , how to read labels so that we do not get screwed. We have also designed a space for families where recycling workshops, gardening, yoga …

– How has the current health situation affected the approach to the fair?
– We are doing things as usual, but yes, complying with all the requirements indicated by the health authorities. 250 exhibiting companies participate in Biocultura Barcelona. In collaboration with the Palau Sant Jordi we have designed a format and a safe space to enjoy the fair.

The Palau in its interior areas is a well ventilated space, and cleaning and disinfection will be reinforced, the corridors will be wider, the entrances will be conditioned … The exterior area will be dedicated to restoration, with a wide range of ecotrucks (with a gastronomic, ecological, Km0 and above all, tasty offer). The conference rooms will once again teach an endless number of activities related to each of the sectors of the fair with the pertinent security measures.

–Which sections of BioCultura have grown the most?
–Both organic cosmetics and sustainable textiles continue to grow and grow, both in BioCultura and in the market in general. The vegan sector is also increasing positions at the fair and the organic sector. These are trends that are going to be imposed in the coming years. It is very possible that within a few years, vegetarianism and veganism will have reached a much larger population.

In the same way, organic cosmetics and sustainable textiles will cease to be residual markets and will reach ever wider sections of the population. But right now, all that is already a reality in BioCultura.

“The fair is always a few years ahead of social reality.”

–Has the situation due to COVID-19 caused a greater increase towards ecological consumption between last year and this?
Yes, without a doubt. We have spoken in all this time with many managers of organic food processing companies and the consensus is absolute: sales have increased. On the one hand, there is greater awareness of a part of the population. This means that more people are consuming organic products. The big distributors have seen that demand is increasing and organic food is already everywhere.

So some companies are doing very well, no doubt. Many also look to the fact that ecological is local and that is very good. But at the same time, due to the deep crisis, many people have less purchasing power and think about it a lot when it comes to spending.

–But we already see organic products in conventional supermarkets…
–Yes, and consumption has skyrocketed. They see it like this: “Food retailers that take effective measures to cope with big changes, such as the growth of the online channel or the interest of consumers for healthy products, have a unique opportunity to gain market share,” according to Sebastián Giménez, partner at McKinsey & Company. That is why the fight or positioning of the greats begins on a new battlefield: the bio. For example, Lidl has achieved 40% penetration in Spanish households over the last five years.

Diversification and portfolio expansion has tripled during this period. According to Kantar World Panel, 5.2 million households already buy organic products from the German chain. Translated to customers, 1.1 million. It ranks second in the bio market share.

However, the highest position on the podium goes to Carrefour. They have been betting on organic products for 30 years in France; It has more than 2,000 products on its shelves, its own and those of third parties. Food, hygiene products, home and textiles. During the last two years, it has even launched more than 500 new private label products. It even has several establishments exclusively dedicated to organic products in Madrid and Barcelona.

–BioCultura is one of the forums for ecological, environmental awareness and humanistic debate that exist in our country… What issues will you focus on in the near future?
–We have to walk yes or yes to stop climate change and to create a new, fairer society. We are going to put a lot of energy into influencing the state, regional and municipal administrations that until now have not played the role that they had to do.

What we ask of you are not subsidies but rather an efficient policy to support organic production with tax incentives, the public purchase of organic food and a media campaign that reaches all social strata … Your role in the implementation of policies in this direction would be essential to achieve these goals.

On the other hand, in order to face the great challenges that lie ahead with guarantees of success, it is necessary to relocate the “economy”, decarbonize it, green it and endow it with common sense.

–Some companies are going to have to change…
–Avoiding usury and speculation and transnational monopolies is crucial. More crucial still is creating control tools for life-threatening science and technology activities. The same goes for any harmful business activity.

Without a “precautionary principle”, without guaranteed safety, whatever the field, all innovation should be prohibited: especially in fields such as genetic modification, the chemical industry, energy, telecommunications, etc.

–The scarcity and quality of water, environmental pollution, climate change, genetic manipulation, the pharmaceutical and health mafia… What is your reading on the current moment and what do you think we can do to reverse the situation?
– We are on the verge of a great ecological collapse (in addition, time is accelerating and that does not help). Independent scientists are clear on this. I sincerely believe that everything is no longer in our hands, but that it is a duty not to throw in the towel. Providence will have something to say … What I do know is that, whatever happens, the important thing is not only in what way your actions are capable of changing the exterior, but also that they are capable of changing the interior and the micro. I explain…

We can consume ecologically, reduce our carbon footprint to the maximum, etc. and we may not be able to stop climate change (although I hope so), but, in any case, this act of altruism will be very positive for both physical and mental health. own and ours. Going to sleep knowing that you have done what you had to do is very satisfying in all areas, and especially emotionally, the great unfinished business of the West.

Schedules and ticket sales for BioCultura Barcelona 2021

  • The sale of tickets for BioCultura will be online, and it is recommended to purchase them in advance, since there is a great demand and the capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions will be smaller than usual.
  • The fair, unlike other occasions, will have these time slots that must be chosen at the time of ticket purchase: From 10am to 2pm; and from 15h. at 8pm (outside foodtrucks area until 9pm.)
  • Ticket sales will be operational from June 14, with a single rate of € 4 (free for children up to 12 years). And also: each day a lot of organic products valued at € 200 and a rural tourism stay will be raffled off among the attendees.

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