Care And Friendly Plants For Sensitive Skin

Taking care of the skin with natural and ecological cosmetics is becoming, not a luxury, but a necessity, as cases of sensitive skin increase every year.
sensitive skin

Irritability, tightness, redness, and scaling are characteristics of sensitive skin. It is a fragile and vulnerable skin in which the hydrolipid layer has ceased to fulfill its protective function and, therefore, overreacts to stimuli –heat, cold, water or others–, becoming red and inflamed.

Although dry skin is more prone, oily skin can also suffer from sensitivity. And, if not remedied in time, it can lead to dermatitis.

In the same way, men’s skin can become sensitized, since shaving, especially if it is daily and is carried out with foams or other cosmetics with a lot of alcohol, is aggressive and irritating.

Associated with sensitivity, circulatory problems such as couperose, telangiectasia or rosacea may arise , in which very marked veins appear in the area of ​​the cheeks.

Why do i have sensitive skin

Sensitivity can appear due to external causes, such as pollution, the weather or the use of aggressive cosmetics, or internal, due to certain medications, an unhealthy diet or emotional imbalances.

What cosmetics do I have to choose?

All skins are susceptible to becoming reactive if they are treated with inappropriate cosmetics, exposed to too much sun or any type of physical aggression, such as shaving or excessive exfoliation, is exerted on them.

This is important to keep in mind when choosing products to apply to the skin. Sensitive skin needs cosmetics that reduce irritation, soothe and refresh.

If you also suffer from microcirculatory problems, it is advisable to apply vasotonic and decongestant actives that facilitate circulation and regulate the permeability of the skin.

What do i have to avoid

If you have sensitive skin, you can protect it by avoiding:

  • Sudden changes in temperature
  • Cosmetics with toxic chemicals
  • Polluted environments
  • Processed food
  • Stressful situations

What moisturizer should I use in the morning

As part of the daily routine, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream in the morning that contains a suitable plant, such as those indicated below, and that does not contain toxic substances such as petroleum derivatives, synthetic perfumes (highly sensitizing) or chemical sunscreens. .

How should I clean it at night

Cleaning at night should be gentle and with a fluid cleansing milk, since many sensitive skins do not allow cleaning with solid soaps due to their very basic pH.

Then a soothing and refreshing toner is applied , followed by a cosmetic rich in nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

Five friendly plants

These are some of the plants that can help take care of the skin:

  1. Calendula: soothing and anti-inflammatory plant par excellence, it reduces redness and flaking. Calendula oil can be used directly on the skin or incorporated into a face or body cream.
  2. Red vine: the grape, rich in antioxidants, increases blood microcirculation and capillary resistance. Very useful in case of couperose or rosacea.
  3. Aloe vera: the gel, which retains a lot of water, soothes and refreshes. Ideal in case of redness and burning.
  4. Almonds: their oil gives elasticity to the skin and prevents dryness.
  5. Oatmeal: water and extract soothe reddened skin and irritation. It is widely used in children’s cosmetics.

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