Chilli Pepper: Spicy Medicine In The Pantry

Just a touch of cayenne pepper is enough to enjoy the benefits of spiciness. They are due to capsaicin, which stimulates digestion, circulation, and endorphins.

Among all the spices, the chilli or cayenne pepper is perhaps the one that most teaches us to dose and use caution when spicing a dish. From her we learn that small actions produce big changes. Going too high has its consequences!

In its right dose, the chilli pepper enhances the flavor of many dishes. But it is enough to add a little more cayenne to a recipe to see how diners take a deep breath, perspire and look in a hurry for some liquid or food to relieve their burning mouth. If that happens, it must be remembered that capsaicin, the substance responsible for that burning, is barely soluble in water, so drinking water immediately afterwards is of little use. But it dissolves well in fat (a fat milk, oil …) or alcohol …

Capsaicin is found in hot pepper varieties of the Capsicum genus . The chili or chili ( Capsicum frutescens ) is the richest in capsaicin of all of them. Other peppers contain other capsaicinoids (14 are known), and they are also responsible for the spiciness of the different varieties.

In fact, red pepper, cayenne pepper, chili or chili pepper is the powder resulting from grinding the fruits of one or several species of Capsicum , previously dried. The chilli or cayenne pepper owes its name to the city of Cayenne, in French Guiana. Colon already found that its flavor differed from the peppercorns he was looking for, but the new spice quickly gained followers. In the cuisine of India and Southeast Asia it caused a sensation since it was brought there by Europeans in the 17th century.

The benefits of spicy

Capsaicin doesn’t just spice up the chili peppers we use in cooking; It is also the most important active ingredient in these peppers, responsible for their health properties. Is considered:

  • Digestive Cayenne stimulates the production of saliva and gastric juices, which is why it is indicated in case of slow digestion. At an experimental level, it has been proven that small amounts of its juice produce a notable contraction of the gallbladder and activate the secretion of bile.
  • Slightly laxative. It also increases the motility of the intestine and can relieve constipation.
  • Mucolytic. It has mucolytic action and therefore it is used in cases of colds with abundant mucus in the bronchial tubes and a productive cough.
  • A cleansing aid. A pinch of spice is part of the formula to carry out the purifying cure based on sap syrup and lemon juice, thanks to its ability to dissolve mucus and regenerate blood.
  • Antibiotic. Capsaicin is an effective antibiotic agent: foods made with cayenne keep longer, one of the reasons this spice is popular in tropical regions.
  • Antiulcer. It is paradoxical, but spicy foods do not aggravate ulcers, and chilli can even heal them. If you have a gastroduodenal ulcer, in addition to eliminating coffee, tobacco and alcohol, you can experiment with cayenne. It has a good anesthetic effect, and it also draws blood to the surface of the damaged tissue. You can take a few sips of chilli infusion (or a capsule of the powder if the flavor of the infusion is very strong) two or three times a day, for a while.
  • Protective of the heart and arteries. Protects the heart and arteries, and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. Although at the moment the exact mechanism of action of this effect is unknown, it is known that it benefits the internal structure of the cells that make up the blood vessels.

Preparing something good to eat also takes care of the mind and spirit after a tiring day. That may be another of the virtues of the chilli.

Of course, it is convenient to know that capsaicin is found mainly next to the peduncle of the fruit, and is concentrated in the incomplete partitions inside and in the seeds. The grindings that include the seeds are, therefore, stronger than those made only from the pulp.

Capsaicin ointment or cream

Topically, cayenne can also be used medicinally. It is usually applied in the form of capsaicin cream, due to its action:

  • Painkiller Cayenne is considered a good analgesic for topical use, thanks to its ability to block skin receptors to the action of a neuropeptide (substance P), which is the main transmitter of pain. This action is carried out in the nerve endings of the unmyelinated fibers C. This decreases the sensitivity of skin sensory neurons and blocks the transmission of pain. In addition, its topical application produces a slight secretion of endogenous endorphins, which reduce the intensity of pain and improve mood.
  • Calorific. The stimulation it exerts on the heat receptors of the epidermis and the increased blood supply also contributes to relieving pain.
  • Hemostatic. Another virtue of cayenne is that it stops bleeding, although that quality is little known in the West. In the emergency services, doctors are amazed when Oriental people come who have cut themselves in the kitchen, with the cut completely wrapped in cayenne powder and bandaged, in order to stop the bleeding until the stitches are applied. antiulcer.

Due to its analgesic effect, the topical application of cayenne-based preparations is indicated to relieve different types of pain:

  • Muscle and joint pain, such as in the treatment of low back pain, muscle pain from sprains, or joint pain from rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Neuralgia, such as residual pain that remains after a shingles.
  • Pain that appears in advanced stages of diabetes, for example in the feet.

How much spicy to drink

As we have seen, it can be included in the dishes that we cook as applied to the skin:

  • Orally. For therapeutic purposes it is taken two or three times a day for a minimum of three weeks.
  • Topical route. The cream is applied to the affected area and is spread with a gentle massage until completely absorbed, 3-4 times a day. If applied to hands, wait half an hour before washing them.


Extreme care must be taken so that it does not come into contact with the eyes and mucous membranes! In case of accidental eye contact, it is preferable to wash the eye with milk instead of water.

It is also not recommended to use the cream for a very long time, for months, in very large areas, or in children. Among the adverse reactions, the most common is a burning sensation of the skin when used topically for a long time or in excessive doses.

It is not recommended to apply it to irritated or burned skin, and to combine it with heat or occlusive bandages.

Although no studies advise against its use in pregnancy, and although the amount of capsaicin present in breast milk is minimal, as a precautionary measure it is also advised not to breastfeed during treatment.

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