Chromotherapy: Colors Also Heal

Do you know color therapies? They are a resource in medicine to treat various diseases.

Every day, from the dark gray of the night, the dawn is opening between the songs of the birds with a fan of colors. The energy waves of color become visible to our eyes like a rainbow, like a palette of colors that we can choose from to improve our health.

When we perceive the energy of colors, a great hormonal transformation takes place in our brain . This is repeated cyclically every day as darkness and light occur.

Color changes in nature, with the passing of days and nights, modify our hormones and influence our health.

There are also changes in plants and in the atmosphere : oxygen increases and carbon dioxide decreases.

Therapeutic uses of color

The admiration for how colors can improve health has been present in many medical systems. It was used by the Egyptians, the Indians in Ayurvedic medicine, ancient Greece …

Today chromotherapy goes much further. It is already understood as a method that uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation (that is, colors) to cure diseases.

They have multiple applications :

  • Emotional disorders: With the full spectrum of light, seasonal affective disorder, anorexia, bulimia, insomnia, jet lag, drug addiction are treated …
  • Physical disorders: Blue light is used in burns and lung conditions. Photoactivation of hypericin has also been used to destroy some types of candida. And there is photodynamic therapy (PDT), which uses photosensitive chemicals that only accumulate in cancer cells; Cells are identified with ultraviolet light and the products are activated with red light to destroy them.
  • Medical research: The chromatography to analyze substances in plants and foods that act as regulators or as drugs: chlorophyll, carotenoids, retinol, resveratrol …
  • Sports performance: Another very current application of chromotherapy is to improve the performance of athletes: the red light helps them when they need short and quick bursts of energy; blue light, in performances that require stable energy.
  • For the relaxing effects: Compared to red light, pink light has a calming and calming effect shortly after exposure: it suppresses hostile, aggressive and anxious behavior. Yellow should be avoided in this context, as it is exhilarating.

Color therapy has been ignored and neglected in today’s medicine, as have charm, beauty, taste, tenderness … There is a lack of scientific works that relate medicine to optical mathematics, but its study may lead to a better understanding and use the potential of color in our life to make it happier and healthier.

One final tip

The therapeutic applications of color will take time to scientifically demonstrate. For now there are open study paths. We can apply our own taste in the choice of environments, food, dresses, paintings, lights … and choose the colors with which we feel best.

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