Don’t Be Shy! By Releasing Tacos You Vent Your Emotions

We try to educate them but in reality we are censoring their emotions. A study confirms the benefits of swearing for your mental health.
teen tacos

Don’t hold him back. Let your child express himself, thus helping him to vent his emotions. Relief is very necessary to relieve pain and frustrations.

Many times, trying to alleviate the suffering or discontent of a child and also of adolescents, we usually express phrases such as “don’t cry”, “don’t say that”, “big children are strong” or “you have to be brave”.

In this way we prevent them from expressing how they feel, we make them repress their emotions.

The consequences of holding back

And this act of restraint is not harmless, it has implications for their psychological development. In addition, emotions do not dissolve like smoke that disappears through the crack of a window, but they accumulate inside us and hurt us little by little, in silence.

We have very little practice accompanying the expression of their emotions, especially those mislabeled as negative, such as rage, frustration or anger.

We think that when they do, they are rude, rude, or even too aggressive. But anger, sadness or anger in children are natural responses and can have many causes, from misunderstanding what they are experiencing to frustration at not having achieved what they wanted.

All carry a message of discontent and discomfort that needs to be expressed in order to break free and find real relief.

Denying a child’s emotions is rejecting their identity

It is to establish and demand an ideal model of behavior based on fear and denial of the message that your emotions convey. By doing this, he will become an adult unable to handle emotional language correctly and will have limited self-knowledge.

Without realizing it, we are drowning our children in their discomfort when we deny them the expression of their feelings. If we want emotionally healthy children, we must allow them to vent their emotions.

The benefits of swearing

Psychiatrists and neurobiologists affirm that relief, whether alone or with someone, has to be authentic, cathartic and liberating. Anything that involves a certain “self-control” will continue to generate a component of tension and stress.

Venting anger relieves, heals and helps to continue

A study carried out by Richard Stephens, a psychologist at Keele University in England, shows that swearing

  • It helps increase pain tolerance because they work as a pain reliever in our brain.
  • Studs also increase self-confidence because they keep us connected to how we feel.
  • In addition, they encourage creativity, because creating a phrase with a rudeness implies a greater cognitive effort, since they put into operation a part of the brain that is different from the one that deals with the rest of the vocabulary.

Based on these results, repressing or forbidding swearing prevents emotional expression.

Parents’ reaction

Our attitude to an anger of our child should start from affection and listening, without reacting with our anger, with threats or out of control.

We must gradually promote their regulatory capacity, respecting their needs

Pretending to reason when emotions overwhelm you is not recommended, but encouraging them to speak and express themselves is. It is the first step for you to identify the emotion you are experiencing. This is the time for dialogue so that you express everything you think and need as a relief.

Other ways to release anger

Explain that there are many different ways to express your emotions. You can cry or draw your anger, saying everything you need to express and then break it by way of liberation. Or use emotions.

Encourage him to find his. Then you can talk with him about the causes of his anger, how he can channel it and what ways there are to solve what has happened to him, promoting awareness and emotional management.

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