Fears, Phobias And Obsessions: The Signals Of Our Unconscious

Fears, phobias or obsessions have important messages to give us about our emotional world. The better we can understand them, the easier it will be to free ourselves from our discomfort.
Fears, phobias and obsessions: messages from the unconscious

  • Why does the unconscious warn us?
  • What if we don’t hear those signals?
  • What is the unconscious trying to tell us?
  • What to do about these obsessions, fears or phobias?

When we have to resolve an emotional blockage or conflict, our unconscious alerts us by sending us signals such as fears, phobias and obsessions.

If you dig a little deeper, you can see how many of these problems are connected to emotions and wrong patterns internalized in the past. Working with them helps to solve our traumas more quickly and efficiently.

Why does the unconscious warn us?

As the mind cannot speak to us directly or send us a WhatsApp, it communicates with us through symbols that we must understand and interpret. These messages can take the form of anxiety attacks, phobias, obsessions, etc.

Our inner self, the one who knows the truth, tells us that we are following a bad path and that, to get rid of our discomfort, we must change something. At first, small worries or fears may appear.

What if we don’t hear those signals?

They are not usually given importance and the person, avoiding some annoying situations, can continue to lead a normal life. With the passage of time, as the underlying emotional tension is still present, the problem can increase and spread to other areas to continue warning us that we have a pending issue to solve.

For example, a flying phobia can be easily avoided by traveling by train or bus, but, if it is not resolved, this fear of flying can spread to the train or any other type of vehicle, making a person’s life increasingly difficult. .

Another example may be agoraphobia. In its beginnings, it can manifest as a “bearable” fear of being in a certain public place. If the underlying emotional problem is not resolved, the discomfort grows and expands to the point of reducing the person’s mobility to the space of their home. Confined to her home, if she is left alone, without a company to provide security, she will end up in terrible crises.

What is the unconscious trying to tell us?

There is no dictionary of symptoms that directly relates them to the underlying problem, this depends on each person. For some, it may be connected to the need to be in control or, for others, it may be related to not wanting to be alone or to fear of death.

Each person must work on their own story to understand the symbology of the symptom and the message that their unconscious wants to send them.

In the examples that I have cited, the aggravation of symptoms must be understood as the desperate cry of the unconscious to warn the person that, to resolve their discomfort, they urgently need to remove and heal the repressed emotions of the past.

What to do about these obsessions, fears or phobias?

In very serious cases, for some time, the person, in order to lead a more or less normal life, may need the support of some medication. But this psychiatric support must always be accompanied by a psychotherapy that helps to decipher the hidden causes that maintain and aggravate the problem.

E l work in therapy is to look beyond the problem and seek the underlying emotions to understand what fears live under the symptom. These emotions will help us connect with the past and with situations that need to be healed.

Depending on the history of the person, we can find fears of being abandoned, of not being loved, of being attacked, of dying, etc. Any childhood needs that have not been met may be seeking compensation and healing through current symptoms.

As a general rule, when the person heals their past emotions and takes care of the care they did not have in their childhood, the symptoms begin to subside and the present fears disappear.

When there is no longer an underlying emotion that needs to be healed, the unconscious no longer needs to keep warning of the problem and the message is no longer necessary. Then, the manifestation of the emotional problem (phobia, anxiety, etc.), little by little, disappears.

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