How To Rediscover And Fulfill Your Wishes

Sometimes we don’t realize that we are putting off what we want most in life until reality unexpectedly reminds us. Inside us is the magic wand
how to fulfill wishes

Marcela had a seven-year-old daughter who she cared little for because she was the main breadwinner in the home. Although I had been taking care of her for a long time, one day she realized that she was terrified of going out on the street.

He had just had a traumatic experience: the business where he worked was robbed. Three men entered at gunpoint and took Marcela hostage while the other employees had to remain on the ground. Apparently they knew the money movements of the business, since they knew that Marcela was responsible for the safe.

Suddenly, the police came in firing – it is worth remembering that only the assailants and Marcela were standing – and killed two criminals. Everything that happened afterwards was confusing and unnerving. The feeling of being able to lose her life in an instant left Marcela full of perplexity and fear.

Then came the television cameras, long hours at the police station making statements and a total digestive breakdown.

The days after the assault, she realized the fear that invaded her as she walked alone down the street

She had the feeling that someone was going to come up at any moment from behind to attack her. He tried to go to the office, but over and over he panicked. Days passed and the phobia did not subside. He was struck by the fact that the other employees had resumed work without further ado. Marcela only wanted to return to “normality”.

So I asked him:

– What wishes, fantasies or longings haunt your heart? If you could put your hands on your chest and close your eyes, what would you ask the magician Merlin?

-To who? Marcela was surprised.

“Let’s play …” I replied.

Marcela explained that she had been thinking of taking a year off. She had never stopped working, not even when her little girl was very young. Her husband worked less systematically and took over household chores. We also delve into their working conditions.

The owner of the business was her best friend. Years ago he had offered her management because of the total confidence with which he could delegate money and personnel management to him. From the beginning, he committed to working full-time on Saturdays and Sundays.

The business grew and the employees had improvements in salary, but Marcela was “stuck” in her usual salary.

An opportunity to realize

The ambivalent relationship that Marcela had with her friend and direct superior had prevented her from asking for a well-deserved raise or the possibility of not working on weekends, especially now that she had a little girl.

As we went deeper, a contained anger emerged, a tremendous desire to cry and scream, which were unsuspected even for Marcela. Undoubtedly, they were the product of the mistreatment in which she had become bogged down.

We began to draw a map in which we reflected the implicitly agreed agreements within the relationship with his boss. Then his digestive disorders increased. It became increasingly apparent to her why she “wanted to change her life,” “take a year off,” or “go on a trip.”

Evidently he had made a desperate request to “the magician Merlin”, who was granting him the fulfillment of his most intimate wishes. Marcela did not want to continue working in poor conditions, after years of solving all the problems of the company on her own, of always putting business ahead of her private life.

“Merlin” blocked his entrance to work with his magic wand: his phobia prevented him from physically entering the office

But the ‘magician Merlin’ did not solve the conflict, he only obstructed some paths to force her to find the right path towards the integration of her hidden desires. Marcela then decided to address unfinished business with her boss and planned a series of honest conversations with her.

Much to Marcela’s amazement, her boss readily accepted the suggested changes in terms of hours, pay, and responsibilities, allowing her to return to work on reduced hours and establish a closer bond with her daughter.

A year later, he definitively left his job and resumed his studies in social psychology, a project long relegated to that corner where until then all his “impossible” desires had piled up.

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