How To Take Red Yeast Rice Against Cholesterol

This Asian yeast, traditionally used in digestive disorders, can lower LDL cholesterol.
Red rice

Red yeast grown on rice ( Monascus purpureus ) is a traditional Chinese food that this culture has used as a medicine since ancient times. Its Chinese name is hong qu and it is frequently used in the East to treat indigestion, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Today its cholesterol-lowering properties are known and it is considered one of the most effective dietary supplements for protecting cardiovascular health.

A total cholesterol level greater than 250 mg requires a lipoprotein analysis. The reduction of LDL or “bad” cholesterol depends only in part on the restriction in the diet to no more than 300 mg of cholesterol per day, as well as reducing caloric intake, that fats represent less than 30% of the total calories and that about two-thirds are mono or polyunsaturated fats. Age and genetics are the other factors that affect the body’s own production of cholesterol.

Red yeast rice reduces blood fat

Interestingly, one of the natural compounds found in red yeast rice – cholestine – is the same active ingredient found in some statins, the drugs that are often prescribed to lower cholesterol. Like these drugs, red rice yeast inhibits the action of the enzyme HMG-Co reductase –responsible for the production of endogenous cholesterol–, thereby reducing hyperlipidemia with a more assimilable natural compound that does not present the side effects of statins.

In a recent study, it was observed that this yeast reduces cholesterol by an average of 40 points over twelve weeks, compared to 5 points for those who only make changes in their diet. The benefits are greatest when your cholesterol is above 200, the desirable cutoff point set by the American Heart Association.

Does Red Yeast Have Side Effects?

Although it is not frequent, some sensitive people can present pictures of heartburn, bloating or dizziness when ingesting the yeast, which stop when they stop taking it. There are no known drug interactions with the intake of red yeast; however, due to its similarity to statins, it is best to follow the same guidelines and not mix with niacin (vitamin B3), erythromycin, cyclosporine, fibrates, or other statins. This supplement should be avoided in pregnancy, lactation, and with severe liver or kidney problems.

How to take red yeast rice

It is marketed in the form of capsules in pharmacies and dietetics. The capsules usually contain 600 mg of Monascus purpureus concentrate and the therapeutic dose will depend on the cholesterol level: it can range from one to four capsules a day. To avoid stomach problems, it is better to take the capsules after meals or with liquids.

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