“In Not Doing There Are Pure Consciousness And Inner Peace”

Frank Kinslow teaches how to meet the healing power of pure consciousness through “not doing”, something that paradoxically is not so easy.
Frank kinslow

Frank Kinslow is a chiropractic doctor, lover of particle physics and creator of the “quantum entrainment” method, which is based on the healing power of consciousness. He explains it in detail in the book Quantum Healing (Ed. Sirio). We were able to talk with him to meet a kind and methodical man, extrovert, simple, elegant and with a demeanor that conveyed serenity. His bright blue eyes and slow gestures betrayed a great inner richness and a life dedicated to knowledge. We greatly enjoyed your conversation.

Frank Kinslow proposes a technique whose ultimate goal is to achieve a state of calm capable of awakening pure consciousness or discovering “the nothingness from which everything arises” and allowing what he has called euemotions to appear. These are positive emotions such as joy, inner calm or love, capable of exerting healing effects by themselves. It is not about manual or energy manipulative therapy, but about discovering the healing power of absolute peace and not doing.

“Rest is the universal healer”

-Affirms that pure consciousness can heal our physical and mental ills, something that philosophies and wise men of other times already advocated. How did you come to the conclusions that are reflected in your book? What has been your personal evolution until you realize this work?
-Since I was eight or nine years old, I began to be very aware that I was part of a broader consciousness and for much of my life I have practiced different meditation techniques to be able to find that pure consciousness. After 35 or 40 years of hard searching I realized that if pure consciousness is everywhere all the time, you shouldn’t work to find it. I stopped trying to search for it, because trying is an activity. So I stopped meditating, I stopped following different philosophies, I stopped doing breathing exercises… and when I gave up everything, there it was. The power lay in the simplicity.

-In the 1970s, he spent five months meditating with Maharishi Mahesh and became a transcendental meditation instructor. What did that experience bring you?
-Meditation was not as important as the philosophy that that yoga guru offered me. We did a meditation based on different mantras, so you rely on meditation and mantras as part of the practice. What I discovered later is that these two things got in the way, since to experience “Nothing” one has to do is nothing. But the time I spent with Maharishi was very valuable because of the principles I learned, because of his philosophy.

“The deeper the rest, the deeper the healing and that when you have a greater rest is when you are aware of pure consciousness.”

-And what did that philosophy reveal to you?
-I understood that rest is the universal healer; If you do not have rest as part of the healing prescription, whatever is out of balance (mind, body, environment), no healing can occur. Another finding is that the deeper the rest, the deeper the healing and that when you have a greater rest is when you are aware of pure awareness.

-Chiropractors like John Demartini, Joe Dispenza or yourself have left that natural therapy to create methods or teach workshops that seek the healing of the soul. Why do you think that is due?
-Chiropractors go a little out of the norm. To practice as a chiropractor, I had to do my entire medical degree. I have also been a professor of Anatomy and Physiology at Keizer University, Florida, where I live. But behind chiropractic, its philosophy, there is a universal element. Due to these principles you can go beyond the physical realm (to the level of consciousness, for example) and then influence the physical.

Quantum tuning

-Why do you call your method “quantum entrainment”, which we could translate as “quantum tuning”?
-Quantum refers to a very subtle area of ​​life that goes beyond our senses. Pure consciousness could be identified in quantum mechanics with the quantum, which is the minimum unit of energy that can be transmitted. David Bohm, Einstein’s most esteemed quantum physicist, described pure consciousness as an implicit order that is neither energy nor form, but all forms of energy come from it. Those forms of energy can be you, me, or the rest of creation. I use the quantum concept to emphasize this idea of ​​universality and the transmission of energy and consciousness. And as for the term entrainment, if you were doing “quantum entrainment” with me you would experience pure consciousness and I would experience pure consciousness, doing nothing, and this is where this healing attunement occurs.

“You do not have to trust anything, or depend on anything, not a philosophy, not a teacher.”

-Affirms that the power of “quantum healing” is due to the fact that somehow we get out of the limitations of the mind, caused by personal circumstances and negative emotions, and we transcend that illusion, connecting through eumotions with consciousness pure of which we are part. What happens when we realize that heaven listens to us and can also heal us?
-I don’t see it from this perspective. Pure consciousness is not something external to us: it is everywhere and at all times. We do not need something that is outside of us. We are not realizing that there is something out there that can help us, but we are realizing that we are the help. With the quantum entrainment, you don’t have to trust anything, or depend on anything, not on a philosophy, or on a teacher.

– Faith therefore does not play any role when it comes to achieving results with this method … –
No, hope and faith are not needed. If you want, you can still have faith, but it is not something that is necessary for the method to work.

-How can quantum healing be put into practice? What are the main steps for this?
-When a workshop is over and, after what we have learned, we only have to take one step: move from a common level of consciousness to pure consciousness. It is a process of not doing. So that the reader can understand what pure consciousness is, it can be said that it gives us inner peace, silence. It is a lack of activity. Both pure awareness and inner peace lie in inactivity. Quantum entrainment is a way to reduce activity to a minimum, and that happens instantly when you know how to do it.

-Please give me some more explicit
hint -Sit comfortably with your eyes closed and let your thoughts flow for 10 or 15 seconds. Observe the thoughts with simple innocence, carefully. Over time, your thoughts will calm down, stop, or disappear altogether. Continue to calmly observe what happens. It will not take long for you to feel something good, an emotion (joy, love, ecstasy …). You must view this feeling with clear but simple innocence. Just observe what happens, as if you were watching a movie, and then also test it with your eyes open by moving and interacting with the objects in your environment.

-And at this point, how can another person benefit physically?
-To physically apply the technique to another person, you can approach her slowly and let her know that you are going to touch her gently. No matter where you place your hands: it can be on your forehead, neck, back, chest, or in a sore or injured area … let your intuition carry you. Ask the person in turn to let go, to let his mind wander where he wants to go, without trying to help. Once your hands rest firmly but gently on the person’s body, resume the exercise we did previously, observing their thoughts with careful innocence and maintaining the awareness of their emotion or pure consciousness. Remember that you are not healing anyone or creating any kind of healing energy. Pure consciousness does not need our help.

-Does peace appear when we stop controlling?
-That’s how it is. When we free ourselves from the desire to control, we not only gain inner peace, but we also thrive on the outside.

-Do you remember any case of healing that has especially surprised you?
-There are many, but a good example is that of a tennis player who broke an intervertebral disc, pressing on the nerve and it hurt. He phoned my wife for a massage (my wife is a professional masseuse) and she told him that she could not give him a massage at that time because her pain was intense, but that I applied the quantum entrainment and that she could try. He accepted without much expectation. We went to his house, the man could not sit down and he could not lie down: if he lay down he could not get up. Before, when he had this injury he needed more and more time to recover. First four weeks, then eight… I tried for two or three minutes and then I asked him to fully sit up. He was looking at me like I was crazy. He stood up almost fully and then we did it two or three more times. The inflammation almost disappeared. I asked her to rest for three days and then call my wife for a massage when the swelling was gone. After three days he called us … but from the tennis court. There is also a European tennis champion working with us who we are doing quantum training on his knee. In this way you have avoided having to undergo surgery.

– In serious illnesses it also helps?
-It always helps, especially to understand and accept what happens. Most importantly, the body is given a deep rest on multiple levels. And the body gets a great benefit from that rest.

-In times when serious problems lie in wait, such as the economic crisis, climate change, famines that devastate very poor countries … therapies arise that propose an expansion of consciousness. Could it obey a universal compensation law?
-That’s a good question. When we have inner peace we want the environment to be better and for there to be peace in all areas. It is not about issuing a document saying: there will be world peace. Peace comes from people. If we want to take care of the planet we have to stop thinking with our limited minds and allow the beauty of the human being to come out when it is in balance. When we are in balance we do not destroy nature, nor the lives of others, nor our own. There is a simple harmony that radiates over all things.

-Today the vision of the universe as a creative order that evolves to make possible the existence of sentient beings takes value. Or as the physicist Amit Goswami says in his book Science and Spirituality, “the universe evolves to make self-consciousness possible.” Do you share this idea?
-Completely. Although most people want to have more and more to feel secure as their lives go by – a good job, money, status, power … – if we take a step further we see that there are also people aware of their universality, that everything it is one, that we share a kind of consciousness. In the end we realize that everything is in connection with everything, that there is nothing but unity. When we realize that we are everywhere at all times, what could we get that is more than the maximum?

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