Take Care Of Yourself With Schüssler Salts

Schüssler salts compensate for small mineral deficiencies, strengthen cellular structures and promote an increase in the vitality of organs and tissues.
Mother and daughter

The medicine of the 19th century was based on the study of the bodily humors. If these did not flow harmoniously, the disease appeared. The Dutch physiologist Jacob Moleschott (1822-1893) advocated that “the construction and vitality of the organs are conditioned by the presence of organic components in the necessary quantity”. His contemporary Prussian, Dr. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902), father of cell theory, explained that “the essence of disease is the alteration of the essential physiological processes of the cell, the smallest vital unit.”

Influenced by the innovative theories of his contemporaries, the German doctor Wilhelm Heinrich Schüssler (1821-1898) argued in 1872 that the loss of health was related to the lack of certain minerals in cells.

Schüssler’s restless spirit led him to study the mineral substances in the ashes of the dead and discovered that every tissue in the human body contained bioinorganic salts: calcium and sulfate in the liver; potassium, magnesium and phosphate the muscles …

Schüssler salts help restore balance

As a result of his research, he came to the conclusion that if cells do not receive an adequate amount of mineral salts, their molecular balance and consequently metabolism is disturbed, which will trigger various diseases.

The therapeutic system that Dr. Schüssler developed was initially called “biochemical therapy” and consists of the selective use of twelve mineral salts that, naturally, we always have in the blood and tissues.

The objective of the method is not to directly contribute these salts in quantity, with a nutritional criterion, but to stimulate the cells through an infinitesimal contribution so that they increase their absorption capacity of the minerals contained in the food.

For this, he suggested the use of the homeopathic sixth decimal potency (6D). In addition, when applied orally, the salts are reabsorbed through the mucosa and go directly to the blood vessels, and from there to the tissues without passing through the gastrointestinal tract.

Although Schüssler salts are usually prescribed symptomatically based on different pathologies (see table on the left), they show similarities to higher potency homeopathic remedies made with minerals.

Taking into account certain facial, physical and behavioral features can guide us to detect the deficiency of a salt in the body before a disease occurs.

How to choose a Schüssler salt

  • Salt with calcium. People who need calcium salts are generally cold, they tend to suffer from glandular disorders, their joints are weak, their skin pale and they have dark circles under the eyes. They are very sensitive to criticism, so they protect themselves by closing in on themselves.
  • Phosphorous salts. These salts are especially ideal for nourishing our nervous system. Phosphorus balances hypersensitive, delicate, nervous and nostalgic people, who are exhausted with mental work. These people usually have a pale face, have gray circles under the eyes and have sunken temples.
  • Magnesium salts. Another essential mineral is magnesium, as a slight deficit can cause irritability, cramps and pain, both muscular and neuralgic. This salt is indicated in jealous and impatient people, who get angry easily and suffer from muscle stiffness, tension in the shoulders and neck, emotional agitation and lack of concentration.
  • Silica salts. The easiest salt par excellence to prescribe based on facial features is Silicea. It is recommended in insecure and shy children, who have bone development problems, pale skin and a large head in relation to the body. In adults it is indicated when premature wrinkles, crow’s feet, brittle hair and nails, excessive sweating and photophobia appear.
  • Salts of acid-base balance. Sodium, potassium, and chlorine are electrolytes in the interstitial spaces and in plasma. The metabolism of water and the balance of body fluids inside and outside the cells depend on them. People who need sodium have oily skin prone to acne and digest fats poorly. They tend to be pessimistic, melancholic, and vulnerable. With potassium deficiency, edema appears, especially in the ankles and eyelids; there are also constipation and digestive disorders. They are hypochondriacal people, persevering and with a great sense of duty.
  • The salt of detoxification. Sulfur or sulfur is found in the skin, bones, liver, muscles, nails … and plays an important role in both tissue formation and detoxification processes in the body.
  • Combinations. If there is a sulfur deficiency, the skin appears bright yellow, with brown spots, and the eyelids acquire a brownish hue. Combined with potassium (Kalium sulfuricum), it helps eliminate toxins at the end of an inflammatory process; with sodium (Natrium sulfuricum), it drains the gallbladder and regulates fluid retention; and with calcium (Calcium sulfuricum), it acts as a regenerative salt.

The 12 Schüssler salts and their indications

  1. Calcium fluoratum. Strengthens connective, bone and epidermal tissue. Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, tooth decay, spurs, tissue laxity …
  2. Calcium phosphoricum. Helps growth and healing, strengthens bones and is revitalizing. Fractures, osteoporosis, growing pains, convalescence …
  3. Ferrum phosphoricum. Regulates hematopoiesis, strengthens the immune system, tones. First phase of inflammatory processes, anemia, congestions, burns …
  4. Kalium chloratum. Balances mucous secretions and fibrin production. Second phase of inflammatory processes, colds, cellulite, arthritis …
  5. K alium phosphoricum. Nourishes the nervous system. Strengthens the mind and muscles. Stress, anxiety, mental exhaustion, insomnia, weakness, apathy …
  6. Kalium sulfuricum. Liver detoxification, eliminates toxins and oxygenates the tissues. Third phase of inflammatory processes, chronic rhinitis, skin spots …
  7. Magnesium phosphoricum. Antispasmodic, decontracting and analgesic action. Spasms, cramps, migraines, sciatica, colic, menstrual pain …
  8. Natrium chloratum. Regulates fluid metabolism and acid-base balance. Dryness or excessive hydration in organs, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis …
  9. Natrium phosphoricum. Regulates fat metabolism and neutralizes acidosis. Obesity, acid reflux, gout, excess sebaceous secretion
  10. Natrium sulphuricum. Purifying and detoxifying action, regulates bile secretion. Rheumatisms, edema, chronic bronchitis, bitter taste …
  11. Silicea. Activates the formation of collagen. Eliminates chronic suppurations. Aged skin, wrinkles, alopecia, fistulas, cysts, hyperhidrosis …
  12. Calcium sulfuricum. Cleanses the blood and organs of waste substances. Regenerates the tissues. Acne, abscesses, eczema, conjunctivitis, angina …

The “hot seven”

Salt No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum deserves a special mention because it can be used for a quick and effective treatment of pain caused by contractures and cramps.

It consists of dissolving 10 tablets in a glass of hot water. It should be drunk slowly in small sips, keeping them in the mouth for a few seconds to promote absorption. The process can be repeated up to three times a day until the pain subsides.

How to take Schüssler salts

The salts are sold in tablet form or crushed into powder (one level teaspoon equals two tablets). They should be left in the mouth until they dissolve, so that the oral mucosa fully absorbs their active ingredients and reaches the blood directly.

The dosage will depend on the age and if it is a chronic or acute pathology. It is recommended to take them outside of meals.

  • Babies: dissolve 1 tablet in a little water and apply to the lips 1 or 2 times a day until the baby improves.
  • Children 2 to 8 years: 1 tablet, 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Adolescents and adults: 2 tablets, 3 times a day.

In an acute illness: take 1 tablet every 10, 15 or 30 minutes during the first hour in which it appears and go to 2 tablets, 3 times a day until the symptoms disappear.

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