The Accursed Tribe

We must celebrate each fruit of our work as a gift and not fall into neglect or abandonment, because they are a guarantee of unhappiness.

A strange curse had fallen on the Invalu. This tribe, known for its smiling spirit and simple customs, seemed to be attacked by a mysterious virus of dissatisfaction. The valley where he spent his life was still fertile and welcoming, with moderate temperatures in winter and plenty of water in summer to irrigate crops and cool off. However, something had changed.

Since the last rains, the Invalu woke up in a bad mood and no longer enjoyed working in the fields. The millet crops were filled with weeds that no one made an effort to uproot, making the cereal grow weaker and less tasty.

The tribe had lost most of its vitality. What little was left was spent in constant friction between them. Every day disputes were heard over land and boundaries, friends were offended by anything and couples withdrew from each other. The days were so bitter that at night no one could sleep.

“This tribe is cursed, ” said the oldest of the Invalu. Some enemy people have cast an evil eye on us and that is why nothing works for us anymore.

That idea spread among the natives, who resigned themselves to suffering a time that was full of famine and calamities.

The evil fario of the Invalu transcended the limits of their village and reached the ears of other peoples, who were careful to approach what became known as “the cursed valley”. Until one morning a stranger with a shabby tunic and a radiant smile arrived in town.

A rumor spread through the village that she was a sorceress who had been retired for years in her hut, on top of an inaccessible mountain. But even there had reached the news of the mysterious plague that darkened the lives of the Invalu. Out of compassion, the hermit had decided to venture into the cursed valley.

The first villager he encountered was a scary young man, who was paralyzed by the appearance of this stranger who seemed old as the world.

“Leave at once,” the boy recommended. This place is the victim of a curse. If you stay here long, you will lose what little life you have left.

“Shut up, and bring me water and something to eat,” the old woman ordered. Then summon all the Invalu. I want to discover the root of your evil.

The boy ran off and returned shortly after where the woman was with some cheese and millet bread. Then he went hut by hut until he gathered all the villagers, who now surrounded the newcomer expectantly, who spoke thus:

“At the entrance to the village, I have seen some goats that are in the bones.” Why does no one take care of them?

“It’s not worth it, ” said a rough-looking man. They give so little milk that it is better to leave them to their own devices.

“Maybe they give little milk because you don’t get enough fresh grass for them.” And that millet that grows in the fields? Why are the spikes so low and brittle?

“We’re about to abandon those crops, ” a woman sighed. The harvests are meager and the rain is never enough.

At that moment, a middle-aged couple began to argue bitterly.

—And what happens to you? –The sorceress asked them.

“My husband promised to fix the roof days ago, but he hasn’t and my house fills with leaves and dust.”

“I said I would do it on condition that you dye my clothes,” the man defended himself, “which is sad to see how worn they are.”

Tired of that meeting where suddenly everyone shouted and recriminated things, the hermit stood up and raised her hands so that there was silence.

He then stated:

“I’ve heard enough complaints today.” I don’t need to hear anymore. I have understood what the virus is that makes no Invalu happy, and I am going to give you the antidote.

Dozens of astonished eyes fell on the sorceress, who immediately concluded:

“Everyone in this village thinks they have less than they deserve.” Some are disappointed because the millet does not grow taller or the harvest is not more abundant. Others get angry with goats that give less milk than desired or with cattle that don’t give meat that is tender and juicy enough. The same goes for husbands, wives, and children. You wait for things to happen to your liking and, since they don’t, you live mired in unhappiness.

“And what is the remedy, stranger?” –A child dared to ask.

“Stop expecting things and take whatever comes, be it a lot or a little, as a gift.” Work hard and celebrate every grain that sprouts on the ear like a miracle. If you do this, this will once again be the most fertile valley in the world.

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