Unforgettable Raw Fig Cake

A pastry without sugar, flour or unhealthy fats? It is the proposal of raw cuisine: sweet recipes that nourish and fall in love with.

Within the universe of raw vegan gastronomy, sweet preparations have a special role, and that is because they represent a whole new way of conceiving pastry without the need for cooking.

There are many combinations with which totally gourmet results are achieved. Most importantly, many are incredibly easy to craft.

Discover raw cakes

We already know and see the health effects of foods like white sugar. However, many choose to ignore it. Many others go with very good intentions, trying to take care of ourselves, but occasionally allowing ourselves sweet temptations. “Total, for once nothing happens”, we say to ourselves.

On the other hand, when it comes to our children, the matter changes. We do our best to feed them the best possible, that is, to give them what they need to grow healthy and strong as oaks. The truth is that, whether due to ignorance or the influence of advertising, this is not easy at all.

The fact is that children consume a lot of refined sugar every day. But the innocent everyday act of calming a crying or restless child with a piece of candy, a sweet, or a chocolate bar has consequences. Yes, he may be quiet for a while, but we forget that we are making him addicted to a substance that can cause hyperactivity, fatigue, lack of concentration, overweight, tooth decay, uncontrolled hunger … to name a few of its many virtues.

Healthier ingredients

That is why we want to give here some healthy and pleasant alternatives and encourage us to avoid refined sugar, while still satisfying our need for sweets and that of our little ones.

Just as in most traditional and conventional pastry recipes eggs, butter, flour and sugar are used, raw vegan sweet preparations mainly use fruits, nuts, natural sweeteners and vegetable fats.

Without cooking and with taste! According to the recipe, these ingredients are activated, soaked, crushed, mixed, dehydrated … This avoids subjecting them to high temperatures, which allows them to preserve their nutrients and properties, with results that are deliciously impressive at the same time.

Fruit-based, the most natural sweets

To start with the simplest, we propose to go to the essence, to the most natural sweets that exist: fruits.

They by themselves are a recipe, a gift of nature that does not need any addition. Each one is unique, with a shape and color that make it different, with an unmistakable texture and flavor.

They provide us with the pleasant sweet experience, hydrate and nourish us. They are like beautiful love letters written by nature: we just have to know how to read them to be able to absorb and savor with all our senses the love they harbor.

So whether it’s on its own, cut into fun shapes, dipped in sauce, mashed as a smoothie, frozen into ice cream, or whatever we like, fresh fruit is our top recommendation.

From there, the range of possibilities is wide. Using our creativity and combining the ingredients that we mentioned at the beginning, we can obtain spectacular creations: cakes, ice cream, chocolates, truffles, mousses, creams …, flavors and consistencies to suck your fingers and that have nothing to envy to conventional pastry.

Recipe to start: raw vegan fig cake

Here we present you the step by step of some simple cakes. We encourage you to enter this sweet universe by preparing this delicious recipe.


  • 200 g of soaked walnuts (or other dried fruit)
  • 20 dates
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • Figs for the filling


  1. Strain and wash the walnuts, which you will have previously soaked for 4 hours.
  2. Mix the walnuts, dates and cinnamon and grind them together until you get a shapeable dough.
  3. For the cake filling, mash the fruit. You can do it with your hands!
  4. Put the dough in a round mold and shape it with your hands. Don’t forget to raise the edges to contain the filling.
  5. Fill the center of the cake with the crushed fruit and spread it out well.
  6. You can decorate the cake with pieces of fruit to give it a more festive touch.

You can substitute the dates for figs, raisins or another sweet and fill the cake with your favorite fruit. We have chosen figs, which are an excellent natural source of energy, but you can experiment with what you like best.

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